Tuesday 11 June 2024


History becomes stories, the details of which are lost to most. Can you focus on the outcome only, as fact, when headlines are written, often out of sync with the detail? Is it true that it should not concern everyone but those who are scholars and seekers of knowledge?

You can speak October 07th as fact while the weighty detail behind it is ignored. You look at the masses, the general populace, and it is not uncommon for them to be ignorant (or deficient in knowledge or even information) on most matters. It is then up to the scholars and the learned to step up and fill the void by educating as is necessary. Truth, though, is key. Throughout history you will see many capitulating before the ruler of the day, except a few. Gold, money and wealth were always generously distributed so that silence on truth was bought, betrayal became the norm, and even advocating misguidance found its place in the sun. Today, the one thing that keeps Muslims together is the kalimat-ush-shahadah (the testimony of faith). Sadly, the cry of the babies, the screams of a woman being violated, and a people starved, go unanswered by those who rule over us. It is better to pray for your rulers (in Muslim lands) to be guided than to pray against them for what may follow may be worse. A good ruler will care for his people and there will be peace and security. Throughout Islamic history there were attempts to break the Muslims through ending the khilafah (caliphate)and bringing innovations and misguidance into the religion. Eventually the khilafah came to an end just over one hundred years ago because of betrayal. This word, betrayal, is like a headline and the detail need to be understood for proper context. As for innovations and misguidance, then that happened over the centuries, even at the time of the earlier generations of Muslims. The attempt to weaken the ummah (the followers of Prophet Muhammad ) is a never-ending story but, ultimately, there will always be a group of people holding onto the truth. The people of Palestine are shining examples of a people resisting oppression and dying as martyrs. As for us, Allah advises us in Quran that we have to change ourselves before Allah changes our conditions. And what must we change?

Muslims have become people of mere speech while, if there is speech to which you should be attached, then it is Quran and Sunnah. There is no better speech than the speech of Allah and the and the best of the guidance is the guidance given by Prophet Muhammad . Is it then possible for Muslims to find themselves in a wilderness while they have Quran and Sunnah? There has been much propaganda and misinformation regarding October 7th and yet there is so much that came before it. (You may also want to read


As for your understanding of Islam and your approach to life, then again you have to go back to the beginning and not focus only on what the headlines are today.

The world is on the brink of massive change. Will it be good, or will it be bad? Good will only come with Islam. It will come, with or without you. The bad will come from those who have no God that they worship except evil itself. The choice you will make, consciously or otherwise, will determine whether you stand on the side of truth or not. Enough is it for you to blame the Arab leaders (and they are not blameless), but what is your contribution? Your silence is deafening. Your ignorance lamentable. Your complicity is notable.


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Picture courtesy: https://blog.newspapers.com



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