Sometimes I wonder what our
situation would have been like had we lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ or even Yeshu or
Moshe (peace be upon them both). Today, many have the full truth of their, the
Prophets’, teaching but opt to dilute it or reject it outright. There is a need
to understand the reality in the sight of Allah versus the deception of this
world while the latter is painted and presented as reality.
You have been sucked in by the
system. Consequently, you struggle to join the dots, if you are even trying at
all. You are looking for solutions through and within the system while the
reality is that which is in the Deen (religion) of Allah, Islam. This
modern-day system has been long in the making from the time Satan became the
accursed. Over time, he had many minions and today it seems likely that the
world is ready for self-destruction. A genocide is taking place and, like the
viewing of a movie or a sports event with worldwide audiences, there is no
concrete reaction to it. The organs and institutions set up for world peace and
the protection of people was set up by the very same people who created a new
country with new people in a land where people have always lived and was living
at that time. A country was formed on the displacement of a people. That not
being enough, a genocide is taking place before our very eyes. Have you exerted
enough of yourself to say that you are fully supportive of the people of
Palestine? Unless you start to think differently from the indoctrination (that
so-called education) from your schooling, your exposure to movies and
television, even reading of books, to the politics (including the political
system), to the laws governing us, to the economic system, and much more, then
you are still using their system to find solutions to play a meaningful role.
Even religion has been changed that few know the pristine religion of Islam
while they defend every innovation into the religion and spend little time to
emulate Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
and his companions (Allah be pleased with them).
You cannot abrogate
responsibility. You cannot find ultimate solutions within the system. The
democratic system will seemingly give you wins in some areas but, overall, it carries
more harm than good, if any good really. There are people dying. The world is
in chaos. Muslims ought to command with good and forbid evil and it requires
action. Allah will not change the condition of a people unless and until they
change themselves. A caliphate awaits and it will not be based on democracy.
See the signs? You cannot wait for that time. You must act now. Allah guides
the sincere.
You will watch the destruction of
Majid-ul-Aqsa in the same way you are watching the destruction of Gaza, its
people, its hospitals, its schools and universities. Say it isn’t so.
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