Monday 3 June 2024

You got played


It is true that you must focus on what is apparent. Sometimes though, “apparent” is how closely you look, e.g. females have a trait that they can remember what you wore months, if not years, ago, on a certain day, etc. And they are usually right. And sometimes what is not apparent through one sense, like the eyes, will be apparent through another sense like the nose from where you get the saying “I smell a rat”.

Muslims are guided by Quran and Sunnah and the answers are all there. Because I am not a scholar, I will leave it just there. In any case, what is making the news. In South Africa, elections were deemed “free and fair” while twenty pollical parties are contesting the results. I guess that gives a new meaning to “free and fair”. Assuming the results are accepted, then it certainly makes for interesting reading. Nothing happens by chance. About a year ago, analysts had the ANC dropping to below the 50% mark and tending nearer 40% which is more or less where they ended. At that point when the analysis was first made, the MK party was not yet a player. Did the ANC create the MK party or did they indirectly, through their targeting of a certain Jacob Zuma, create the MK party? The formation of the MK party had the desired impact on the results, dropping the ANC around 40%. This brought the DA into play as a possible coalition partner. The ANC forming an alliance with MK will be ironic since the MK is a spin off of the ANC. And likewise is the EFF. Did Cyril Ramaphosa play the game and open the door for the DA to get into government? Was this always the plan? At what point was the voters played. I know the voters are always played, but this one is quite big. The Palestinian issue was a burning issue in the election, at least in the Western Cape. The ANC has now said “country first”. Does this mean that they are willing to form a coalition with the DA who opposed South Africa taking the genocide of the Palestinians to the ICJ? Then either way, your vote may have been stolen.

And while you are trying to get to grips of how you were duped, try on a mask and social distance for effect. Anthony Fauci has let the cat out of the bag claiming that he has no idea how he came up with social distancing and masking since there is no scientific evidence for it. You got played and you got upset with people who wanted to live normal lives and not follow pseudo-science. Muslims prayers were impacted as they were not allowed to pray normally. You listened to someone who spread false news while the truth was censored and “fact-checked”. Will you have a different outlook going forward? The jab is another matter that needs to be unpacked. But already you are nervous about the truth. Yeah, the truth does that. It makes people uncomfortable, so let’s leave the jab until you are ready or Anthony Fauci tells us some important “hidden” truths about it.

The truth is apparent but how can you see it if you are hiding from it. However, the stench of their rats is so bad that you should be able to smell it, even with your mask. The truth shall set you free.


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