The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly will be your response to such a vile act? What if it is your own brother swearing your mother? This seems unimaginable but it is real. There are real family issues and cause families to split or to disown their own.
Hezbollah lost their leader on
the weekend. Since then, the world witnessed a show of fireworks as Iran fired
two hundred missiles on occupied Palestine, some calling it Israel. There is
every indication that the groundwork is being laid for a world war, yet the
latest Iranian action needs scrutiny. That scrutiny I leave to you because it
is easy to dismiss a statement without taking the time to analyse the facts,
and, in the absence of clear facts, to look at plausibility. Let us go back to
history defining moment in Islam. The year is 680AD. Hussain bin Ali is the
grandson of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
He opposed the caliphate of Yazeed bin Muawiyah. While in Makkah, he was
invited to Kufah whose people wanted to pledge allegiance to him. He travelled there
with his family and camped about 70km away, at Karbala. There he was martyred
with many of his family while the people of Kufah, after inviting him, offered
not even one person is support. Thus, the people of Kufah betrayed Hussain. These
same people wish to venerate him after his death while his death can be
attributed to their betrayal. Shi’ism started off as political but because they
declare(d) the majority of the companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as apostates, the differences
with Sunni Islam are noticeable. There are many books on the subject and many
ulama capable on the subject. The primary difference, more than their claim
that Ali bin Talib should have been the first caliph rather than Abu Bakr, is
their reviling of the noble companions and the wives of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The wives of Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ
are considered the “mothers of the believers” (per Quran 33:6). Thus, there
is a group who swear our mothers and making takfeer (pronouncing a
Muslim out of the fold of Islam). This group betrayed Hussain bin Ali but claims
to love the Ahlul Bayt.
While some may think that notes
like this cause division, then rather consider this as a reminder, both to
protect our eemaan (faith) and to firmly show our love for Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ,
his household – including his wives, and all his companions – Allah be pleased
with them. The last thing to consider is the complicity of the Iranians in the
death of Ismail Haniya, followed by their unimpactful missile “attack” on
The call to the Muslims is to
stick to their faith, following Quran and Sunnah. Allah has raised the rank of
the companions and wives of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Those who revile them are not of us and
we are not of them. We place our trust in Allah who will grant victory to the
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