The naivety of man is to consider matters totally independent of each other, e.g proclaiming justice while feeding on the poison of the unjust and evil.
This needs to be unpacked, but we
will deal with it in short breathes. Consider the two world wars and their
impact on Muslims. A need to join the dots and formulating a new question on
the historical impact on Muslims of the ages or specifically over the last say,
two hundred years or shall we make it one hundred and twenty years. History
books will paint a picture and within it will be certain protagonists. To a
large extent, it will be hard to argue that those mentioned were not protagonists.
The set up and framework within certain events happened is so plausible that it
must be accepted as the main plot. The reason for both world wars are clearly
documented and you found no reason to see it any differently. Cast a glancing eye
to the Muslim world in both these wars and you will start to see who were the
ultimate victims of both wars. Germany was the main player in both wars, but
they recovered both times and are thriving overall even they lost both wars.
The first world war resulted in the demise of the Ottoman empire and with it
the Caliphate. The allies 1, Muslims 0. Along came the very many Arab kingdoms
and states, all as a result of the Sykes-Picot agreement. And in between came
the Balfour declaration while Palestine became a British protectorate. Can we
say Allies 2, Muslims 0? Fast forward to the second world war in which Turkey,
the remaining land of the erstwhile Ottoman empire, did not partake. Germany
was at it again and a certain Adolf Hitler. The Allies were victorious and even
though the Muslim involvement in the war was negligible, the result by 1948
was: Allies 3 Muslims 0. The state of Is-rale was formed in occupied Falasteen.
Thus, the results of the wars were heavily against Muslims while they were, at
no time, protagonists in the war.
Today, the Palestinians are
facing geno cide at the hands of the
Allies. No one is willing to help. The International Court of Justice is an
organ of the United Nations - UNO (more on this another time) - while the UNO is proven to be an institution
of injustice. Is this Allies 4 Muslims 0, for certainly nought has come from
so-called Muslim countries. Is this latest Rafah situation game over? This
needs further discussion and elaboration. We conclude this note affirming our
belief that Allah is in control and victory will come. He decides on when it
will happen, but, for sure, that we must seek forgiveness, repent and give up
sins and innovation, to gain the pleasure of Allah. The enemy is rejoicing in
our misguidance (in following their way) while fear will grip their hearts when
Muslims are firm on their deen.
And Allah knows best
The term Allies is used.
Effectively, as things stand now, it is pretty much NATO. Nato though was
formed in 1949. NATO can be seen as Allies minus Russia. Japan is not part of
NATO but has an alliance with NATO.
need to also read:
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