Tuesday 18 June 2024

See this example


The greatest gift that a person can receive is the gift of faith (eemaan). And by faith it is meant “the belief in Allah and that Muhammad is the final messenger (and Prophet) of Allah”. It also means to disbelieve any object, person or deity as being worthy of worship. Of the greatest exemplaries of true faith is none other than Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) – peace be upon him. It is he who was instructed to call people to the hajj (pilgrimage) and Muslims still carry out this ritual to this day.

This is an example of what confirms Islam as the true religion. Muslims are far from perfect and, in their non-adherence to the pristine teachings of Islam, are not always good examples of Islam. However, what is true is that faith is about your belief in Allah and, in striving to overcome your shortcomings, have hope in the Mercy of Allah. A single man, Abraham – peace be upon him – called people to the pilgrimage and every year, about three million Muslims, from all over the world, descend on Makkah to perform the pilgrimage while two billion Muslims look on and, for most, have the desire to also perform the pilgrimage soon. This is reason enough to be grateful, but time and space can never do justice to list everything for which you should be grateful. Christians and Jews too accept Ibrahim – peace be upon him – but it is Muslims who follow him for he was neither a Jew nor a Christian but was one who submitted to Allah, i.e. one who submits to Allah is a Muslim. How then can any Muslim be anti-semitic when we are so strongly attached to Prophet Ibrahim – peace be upon him – that his way is our way. The pilgrimage is at the same time of the sacrifice of the ram in the place of Ismail. All this is an indication of how grateful we should be to be Muslim. The Palestinians have demonstrated their faith, living it and we are all witness to it. While we may not want to be in such a situation, imagine the level of their faith versus ours. But our tests are coming. South Africans have been deceived in believing good will come from the case before the ICJ. The case is likely to have challenges and perhaps fall flat as there is regime change in South Africa. It is not always possible to see every deception or to see the link between two points of deception. But it is easier when standing for the truth, you will be separated from those who believe in being colourful with the truth in their deceptive manner.

If truth be told, then the sacrifice of animals, mostly sheep, carries a profound lesson. For you to stand with truth, you have to slaughter the sheeple in you, i.e. the blind following and acceptance of government, political leaders, and people of dubious character. The same people that brought you the genocide, likely has a hand in every country in the world, include South Africa. The same people bring you scams and makes you believe that they have your best interest at heart. Don’t worry about conspiracy theories, concern yourself about the truth. The truth will reveal the conspiracies. And Prophet Ibrahim – peace be upon him – is such a great example.

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Picture courtesy: https://www.thehansindia.com





#abraham #islam #ismail #ishmael #judaism #christian #muslim #genocide #palestine #hajj #conspiracy

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