Wednesday 31 July 2024

Islamophobic Olympics


Your life is shaped by what you did yesterday and how it continues depends on what you do today. No, this is not that kind of motivational note but do read on. The world is shaped by events of before and what tomorrow holds, depends on what happens today.

The Olympics is currently being held in France, the breeding ground of the Crusaders, with one theme being Islamophobia. There is, of course, the overall attack on religion. Islamophobia is driven by whatever propaganda they can push out. One important historical point to note is that the Crusades were driven by Islamophobes. At that point in time, people in Western Europe were not really Christian but had to be because of feudalism. Their understanding of their own religion was sub-minimal.  Driven by economics and hunger for power, uncivilised Western Europe had to transform. It was therefore easy to round up thousands of men to fight. Hardly understanding their own religion, they were fed garbage about Islam to make Muslims the enemy and give them more reason to fight. Millions died because of the crusades with Crusaders killing Christians too. This is an example of Islamophobia in Europe. These same lies about Islam is still spread today and even with information available at everyone’s fingertips, Islamophobes are still created because it is part of the teaching of other religions. Atheists will criticise and oppose every religion but still are harshest against Islam, because of the ready disinformation being spread.

The Olympics is in full swing and Islamophobic France, the hosts, still have the attention of Muslims as interested viewers of the event. That you cheer Muslim participants in the event is no justification. The picture is starker than you think. How you deal with Islamophobia will determine how you practise your religion tomorrow and will determine the religion of your children. The recent past has much evidence of single acts of Islamophobia to wars against Muslims. Know your history and prepare yourself well for tomorrow by your action today.

Death is certain and if you are a believer, then Allah reminds you to be Allah-conscious and that when you meet with death, you do so while you have eemaan (faith in Allah).

 PS! effectively, genocide was celebrated.

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Picture courtesy of https://www.azernews.

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Tuesday 23 July 2024

What is with your superstition


In the seventeenth century, the Dutch colonised what is now known as Cape Town. By that time, the Europeans had found a way around the southern tip of Africa to venture to the far east, ostensibly for trade. The end result was colonisation. It was as a result of this colonisation that Muslims from the far east, starting with Indonesia, were brought to the Cape as slaves and political exiles. They found their new home in what is today still called “Bo-Kaap”.

Being persecuted, the Muslims adopted more Dutch sounding names and hid their Islam and birth names. Yet, they preserved Islam that today there is Islam in Cape Town and, indeed, in South Africa. However, a visit to the Bo-Kaap does not give you a sense of Islam except for the many mosques in the relatively small area. In every person, there is but a reflection of yourself and your shortcomings. More so, when it is your understanding of Islam and how you live it, that reflects on yourself. So, we remind ourselves and when we do it out loud, perhaps that benefit can reach the next person. When someone’s eemaan (faith) is weak, that person may consciously leave Islam and adopt another religion or give up religion completely, i.e. become an atheist. May we all be spared from that. But the greatest threat is not that obvious disbelief. Rather it is those ideas, thoughts, beliefs and actions which are contrary to Islam. Superstition is one such example of a weak or corrupt belief system. However, to understand Islam and your belief system, you will understand why you are called Muslim. This education is what you must go and learn it from those who will clearly teach you the unadulterated pristine Islam. The one thing you don’t want happening is that on the Day of Reckoning, you discover that you committed shirk (ascribing partners to Allah). Sometimes it may be an act which does not nullify your Islam but sometimes it is a more deep-rooted belief which can absolutely nullify your Islam. The starting point of your Islam is your testimony of faith that there is only one deity, Allah, to be worshipped and that Muhammad is his messenger. In that belief is that you reject believing in any other object or being. This object of disbelief may involve superstition. This disbelief may be like some find reason, wisdom and guidance in astrology and zodiac signs. For others it is in beliefs of what happens to the dead when those beliefs are foreign to Islam. And the list goes on.

The Bo-Kaap has become merely a tourist attraction and not a beacon of da’wah (calling to Islam). Walls are painted with reminders of Gaza. Will we give up the Bo-Kaap without a fight? Our forefathers left us Islam. Many of them were illiterate but they held onto their Islam. Today, you have access to so much knowledge. Let’s access that knowledge and let’s be Muslim and make Bo-Kaap (and Cape Town as a whole) the vibrant Muslim community we ought to be.


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Thursday 18 July 2024

Real Entertainment


It’s raining bombs. It is true literally and, globally, figuratively. Bombs kill. Some instantaneously and some die a slow death. Worse still, if you are captured by the deception and become the walking dead.

Movies and entertainment have become real. You hear the phrase “like it is out of a movie” more and more. An example is what you make of the Trump ordeal. It is all real, isn’t it? Just like the torrents of rain that Cape Town is experiencing. I hear it being attributed to global warming. If you hear a lie often enough, you might believe it. Trust Allah and believe in His guidance unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Just something to be reminded of is that as part of the belief in Allah, is to disbelieve is falsehood and false deities. Analysing global issues further, Keir Starmer became new UK Prime minister. He is allegedly an atheist and is married to Victoria Alexander, a Jew. In South Africa, real state capture is coming to fruition and still people talk about democracy, as if it is real. By the time your child has been through thirteen years (or more) of schooling, they will have had more indoctrination pumped through their veins that their basic Islamic education. Which way will they lean? Allah protect us all. Before you get carried away with thinking this is all about conspiracy theories, you need to go back to the basics. Firstly, you have placed education in the hands of those who are opposed to Allah’s law. You went through the mild form, yet sufficiently intoxicating, of their education system. The time for indoctrination on steroids is here. Secondly, many have faith in what is presented to them by transgressors or is “scoundrels” a better word. Little attention is paid to Allah’s laws and when it is, it is more often seen from a “western” angle. This life of deception is reaching a crescendo. You talk about matters as if it is normal and real. It is only real because you accept it and believe it. Accusations is aimed at the Arab world, in particular, for their lack of concrete steps to end the genocide, and rightly so. But have you done enough, if anything? Have you learnt anything from the Palestinians? How do you support Palestine but believe and partake in the fear-mongering scamdemics perpetrated by the same people who fund and commit genocide? Do you think they only kill by bombing? Then too in your beliefs, do you really think Karbala is the reason for Youm-us-Shura? Ignorance may be a defence at times, but when you are called to learn, reflect, think, ponder, do you not turn away? When it is said Allah and His Rasool (Muhammad ) says, do you not retort with “but …”.

At this juncture, it is better to remain silent than to spread the lies and deception that you have been taught or gathered from mainstream media and the scoundrels that they represent and parade.


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Tuesday 9 July 2024

In death, there is life

In death, there is life. Sometimes it takes a while to extract all the benefits of a statement, however small the statement may be.

Recently, I dreamt of an acquaintance of mine accepting Islam. I don’t know the reason why she accepted Islam – albeit a dream. Yet the ongoing genocide in Gaza has been the reason why many thousands of people, all over the world, have accepted Islam in recent months. Islam is a simple, yet comprehensive religion. At the core of the religion is faith. It is the religion and the faith practised and taught by all the prophets from Adam to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The credo that there is only One God, Allah. This is what the people of Gaza die upon. This is upon which they withstand the occupiers. Right now, Islam is spreading like wildfire throughout Europe, as an example. Muslims have no need to lie about the beliefs of others, because these people will confess to what is said about them and their beliefs. The same cannot be said of those who feel threatened by Islam and Muslims, making up lies about Islam and Muslims. And those who feel threatened by Muslims, for the most part, are ignorant of Islam and have fallen prey to the lies spewed by some non-Muslims. This is not the forum to be absolutely specific about the lies being spread, but you are welcome to arrange a forum for us to discuss further.

While many people are flocking to Islam, Muslims born into Islam need to reflect at the character of the people of Gaza and the many thousands that have recently entered into Islam. Islam starts with belief, and it is upon which you and I, as Muslims, should die. You and I have not yet been tested with our belief, yet for many that belief is already wavering. Consider whether those entering Islam in their hordes are replacing some of us or whether we will be blessed with a good ending, i.e. that we die in complete faith, upholding Quran and Sunnah, that our faith is never in question, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah, neither did we distort the religion in any way. In death there is life, for an eternal life of bliss is awaiting the believer in paradise and martyrdom deserves nothing else but paradise.


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They are our mothers

  The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly wi...