Friday, 31 May 2024

Indelible Ink


Mind control. Most people don’t know what it really is which is likely why they end up being products of mind control. Imagine voting in an election and the elected officials are not accountable to you. It happens all the time, doesn’t it. There are memes about it, yet here you are, with a mark of indelible ink on your thumb after your recent vote in the South African national elections.

For Muslims, the Palestinian issue played a role in the elections. Or perhaps it did not. The openly Zionist party still had many Muslims voting for it. Their argument will be about service delivery and corruption while the very fact that there is a Zionist element in play, smacks of corruption (for those who understand). Shall we unpack this? Shall we talk about genocide and more? Of yeah, we can unpack this. This voter has been gulped up by the system, more than most. And in case you voted for another party because of the Palestinian issue, then please refer back to some of the memes like the wolf telling the sheep that after the election he will be a vegetarian. Also refer back to the fact that some are openly Zionist while others just play you. There are one or two parties who are more genuine but that the system will always dictate to them, means that their success will be limited, or they will be made to fail. Should you have voted or not? If you did vote, “why did you vote?” should at least have guided you for which party to vote. But alas, you were shortsighted and selfish when voted for the openly Zionist supporting party. That is the lowest rung on the ladder, if on the ladder at all. Others voted perhaps taking to the principle that to vote (in a democracy) is to protect the interests of the Muslims. However, that also had different levels beyond the genocide of the Palestinians. If Muslims, and South Africans in general, are worse off than before the election, then you would have wasted your vote. All this may point to the lack of unity in the Muslim community or, more so, a lack of proper understanding. This can be unpacked quite a bit, but it does point to you as being the starting point.

The system in which we live is not the system ordained by Allah. While returning to this, in full and as a community, is not an overnight process, it is in your own understanding and your way of life that you determine the direction in which you are going.  Should you not supplicate to Allah to be part of the solution and not to fall into the traps and false promises of those who are ruling over you. Neither to place rulers over us that will oppress us in any way.

All eyes on Rafah!


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Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Resilience and Reversion


The blood of the martyr is never spilled in vain. The world is setup for catastrophe while paradise awaits the believers. This world is nothing but deception and the only certainty you have is that you will return to Allah.

The matter of the International Criminal Court (ICC) consideration for the arrests of Israelis and unfortunately, misguidedly, the arrests of three Palestinians is ongoing, but the former rejected by the USA. The calling on the Israelis for restraint by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) are not enforceable except if the UN security council enforces it. And who will veto any action against the occupying forces? So, the games continue. And it will until they believe they will get their planned outcome. The believers know that anybody and everybody can plan but Allah is the best of planners. From what is apparent, any resistance and victory for the Palestinians will only come from inside the occupied territory. There is no army mobilised and ready to intervene for the sake of justice. There can be no peace without justice. While there is growing discontent from the ordinary person, world leaders are seemingly ignoring these calls. As Muslims are in the season of hajj (pilgrimage), it reminds us of the hadith where Sayyidina Ayeshah (Allah be please with her) asked the Messenger, Prophet Muhammad , regarding jihad for women. His reply was that hajj is their jihad (their physical struggle in the path of Allah). Hajj must be a desire for every Muslim, male and female. Thus, the female is yearning to do jihad through her Hajj. What about the male?  When the desire for justice and peace is uppermost, then all measures are taken to assure that there is justice and peace throughout the land. Of course, you start with the self for you cannot call to goodness while you forget to apply it yourself.

Politics is such that one party will make a pact with another party at the expense of fairness and agreements that may be in place. It is not impossible for a party, e.g. African National Congress (ANC) who supports the Palestinians, to enter into an agreement or coalition with a party like the Democratic Alliance (DA) who supports Israel. The interests of these parties to rule and have power may outweigh all other considerations. Judging by demonstrations internationally, it is clear that there are countries in which the government and the people of the country are on opposite sides of peace and justice. For the most part alone, it is a sign that the people of Palestine are resilient, clinging to their faith, in the face of genocide while the world watches on. One clear positive is that the reversion (worldwide) to Islam continues and many have done so because of the faith of the Palestinians.

All eyes on Rafah

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Wednesday, 22 May 2024

The Plot Thickens

 It was an assassination. If it was, then there must be motive. Were the perpetrators from within the country or from a hostile country? How did they do it?

The good thing about understanding eschatology (referring to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim beliefs about the end of history) is that man’s stupidity is exposed. In truth, their lack of faith and God-consciousness is exposed. Eschatology per the three religions mentioned, differ, largely because the ultimate belief systems differ. It is mindboggling that decent God-fearing people will be intent on destroying life on earth as well at the earth itself. Thus, it is fairly apparent that Satan’s prints are all over much of current life on earth. His minions have taken control of most of the world and is systematically going through the motions of destroying it. You have fallen for the hoax of global warming and “excessive” carbon emissions while nothing of the sort is actually happening. There are carbon emissions, but plant life needs carbon dioxide. Of course, pollution is a problem with much of it stemming from the use of artificial products such as plastics. While you often talk about alternatives as the second-best thing, biodegradable packaging, as an example, should be the primary option and everything else alternatives. Food and medicines are primarily no longer organic while organic is seen as the alternative. Should not Allah’s way be the primary way and not to deviate from it except in extreme circumstances? Am I digressing from the assassination plot? Yeah. The world is hell-bent on self-destruction. Notice the same players. Good will always fight evil but evil, naively, thinks it can win. Rather, the minions of Satan thinks they can win while Satan is well aware of the truth and the consequences. Since the latest round of genocide, somehow it appears that Iran is being provoked to enter into a war. It may well be that Iran is party to this plan which ultimately is to get the middle east into a war. Did Iran not play along or was the ex-President too willing to play along? The answer to this may indicate who the possible assassins are, if indeed you think it may well be an assassination.

Iran has a place in eschatology. Eschatology is such a subject that at some point you will know how close the world is to its end. For now, it is mere speculation. The end seems near, but it can be really very far off. The messiah is a sign except it means different things for Jews, Muslims and Christians. One question to ponder is whether the real Jews, the semitic Jews have fallen for the deception of the Ashkenazi Jews? Wait, what? What’s the difference? – Another time if you need more information. Ultimately, the Jews and Christians will believe in Yeshu (Eesa/Jesus) – peace be upon him, before the world ends.


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Monday, 13 May 2024

Mother's Day


You have demonstrated that your enemies really don’t have to fear you. They have carte blanche over their actions in Gaza because they know they don’t have to fear you.

And you go away saying that “of course, we are not a violent people” and “Islam is a religion of peace”. Let’s park that for a moment but you need to understand that Islam is a complete way of life. It is true that the world, including Muslims, have fallen into a trap and because it has already become generational, it is not easy to completely remove this and extricate ourselves from it. However, Islam is a complete way of life, and every Muslim should strive fully to live accordingly. Muslims have abdicated responsibility for being those “who enjoin good and forbid evil” because they have submitted to a system beyond Islam. How then can you be feared for justice, per Allah’s decree, if it is not your priority because you see the world through western eyes? What is to be feared? It is not Islam that is to be feared but the perpetrators of injustice and genocide ought to fear justice, the justice that Allah wants to be implemented, i.e. no one should harm the innocent else they will face the justice that Allah has commanded. Were you to take an example of the feebleness of Muslims and their adherence to practices foreign to Islam, then you look at one of the great injunctions in Islam and that is the care of parents. Quran makes mention of parents and their status by Allah and how they should be honoured and treated. Prophet Muhammad makes mention of parents in numerous narrations. Nowhere does Quran and Sunnah teach us about singling out one day for either mothers or fathers. Yet, we see that from outside of Islam. Had you been in your numbers in marching on Gaza as you were celebrating an event foreign to Islam, then it is likely Allah would have granted us victory. Sure, you are more inclined or in a position to spoil your parents at some times more than others, but does these occasions have to be manifested on a particular date and, in a manner, from outside of Islam. As long as you take lesson from outside Islam, while Islam has emphatic guidance on the topic, then what does that show you? Islam teaches us about the rights and obligations towards every person in society. Yet if you take lesson from outside of Islam, then what does your enemy have to fear? You fall for any gimmick and ploy. Do you have to wait for Mother’s day to flood social media with messages for your mother? Why use social media to do this in the first place? Honour your mother every day. Her status and rank do not increase through posts on social media. Likewise, your father. Honour your father every day. Pray for them every day. What better reward for a parent than to have an obedient, Allah-conscious child. And what about the parent who raises a martyr?

You will dismiss this note but know that from one borrowing from outside of Islam, you will have a lifestyle of borrowing from outside of Islam. Will your life be mere rituals? We pray for understanding. We pray to be that ummah Allah wants us to be. We thank Allah for our parents and those of us born Muslim, we ask Allah to bless our parents abundantly for placing the kalimah (the testimony of faith) on our tongues.

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Thursday, 9 May 2024

The Final Episode

 It is now called the “Final Episode”. The last vestiges of the Gaza Strip are under attack while an agreement to a ceasefire is ignored. There is, however, at least traces of discord in the enemy ranks.

Indeed, the world is on the cusp of passing the test of humanity or be damned for its inability to act against genocide. The Muslim world and specifically the Arabs are bound by the Sykes-Picot agreement which created their kingdoms and fiefdoms. For now, no help will be coming from the Arabs. But as much as you wish to throw stones at these leaders, little is different in many parts of the world, even in Muslim-minority countries. You will see sloganeering, speeches and some marches in support of Palestine. Those non-Muslims that fear Muslims are wrong on so many fronts. Firstly, because the only fear a non-Muslim should have of a Muslim is that if the former is unjust that Muslims will demand justice. It is a myth that non-Muslims should fear Muslims otherwise. Sadly though, Muslims have, in effect, abdicated their responsibility, that responsibility to bring justice and peace to the world because they adhere to institutions like the United Nations. The United Nations has seen a genocide play out for the past 7 months (and more) and have not acted expeditiously. Some non-Muslims, specifically Christians, are not pro-Palestinian (an act of calling for justice) or not supportive of Muslims because they fear Shari’ah law. What is Shari’ah law that they fear? Is it that they fear the death penalty for murderers and rapists? Is it that they fear not having freedom of religion (atheists included – even they have freedom of religion) while the Quran clearly states that there is no compulsion in religion? These non-Muslims speak out of ignorance because Muslims have made little effort to explain it. Islam is the only religion that reveres Isho (Eesa or Jesus)- peace be upon him, but importantly does not deify him. As for what has now started in Rafah too, it is the final onslaught of what remains of Gaza. The displacement of people who have already been displaced from the other parts of Gaza, means that their only hope to stay in Palestine is to be buried there. They will be martyrs, but what about you and I? What will the world be like without the Gaza of the Palestinians? How will you continue to live normal lives? What is normal anyway? Will you continue to accept a system that has made the world mere spectators for, at least, the past 75 years? Will you continue an education system that teaches Darwinism and other ideologies other than Islam? The list goes on. Rafah should be the turning point.

The cracks in the enemy are showing. People are taking to the streets worldwide. The American campuses are alive to the humanitarian crisis and genocide and are opposing their government or rather imploring their government to act justly. People are accepting Islam purely because of the faith shown by the Palestinians. Governments are acting against their own people to quell this uprising. Locally, the Zionist influence on the South African elections (May 2024) will not go away. What are you doing?

The agreement currently on the table (as of two days ago) is acceptable to the Palestinians but the aggressor seems less interested. One way of contributing is to change something in your life, not just merely a day of fasting or a supplication, but repentance (by giving up something sinful) and/or by engaging in more good deeds. Commit to Quran and sunnah and avoid those practices which are newly invented matters.


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Monday, 6 May 2024

Time for Hijrah

Do you think that the person who is willing to drop a bomb on you is capable of poisoning you? Is this likely to be a novel, a movie or indeed a true story?

Muslims had the golden age where they contributed so much to the world that the world truly owes them much gratitude. However, if you are really honest, then not full credit is being given to Muslims. I leave this statement there and those who are truly interested in completing that statement will seek more information. Fast forward to the dark ages, the “renaissance” and the onset of colonialism.  I want to say the result “was”, but, in fact, it “is”. The result is that Muslims have become enslaved, not to Allah, but to something called “taghut”. Yes, perhaps an overstatement in common terms, but likely not on a slighter deeper understanding of it. This is so widespread, that it is not examined to its real extent, but rather overlooked and/or dismissed. Once a khateeb (preacher) suggested that one of the major signs of end times being that “the sun will rise from the west” may be figurative in that perhaps it refers to the west being the providers of knowledge, in modern times. Now, you can leave this sign of end times as being literal rather than figurative but, is it even slightly true that knowledge is now emanating from the west? Ah yes, the colonial powers and the “superpower” does seem to be in the west. Jumping ahead, then the Muslim world (in general) is beholden to the west. Even those Muslims who might occupy important positions in science or politics, etc. are just a part of that set up. Today, the world is witnessing a genocide and many, especially the (ordinary) Muslims, are, in some way, showing opposition to it. Yet, it is as if life is compartmentalised such that the whole picture is not seen. Many place the blame on the USA but fail to understand who the powers are in the USA specifically. These same “powerful” people exert influence much further than the USA. However, concerning the genocide then understand it is one group to which much of the world, including Muslims, are beholden. Don’t look at who the leaders (by name) of these two countries who are complicit in genocide are, but look at the “leadership” more broadly. There is more than a common thread to what has been happening over the last few years and, of course, somewhat longer than that. How then do you fight a genocide while you almost voluntarily agree to a lockdown and take their poison. Do you not understand that all this is linked?

How do you expect victory or, rather to be party to a victory when you are conflicted? Victory will come, but who will share in it? It is time for hijrah (migration). No, long before a physical hijrah, a spiritual hijrah is necessary.


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Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...