Monday 22 April 2024

The other side of the open door


The minor signs of the end of the world are many while most seemingly have come to pass. While we are on the brink of the major signs, attention should be drawn to at least two things. Firstly, whether the signs from Judaism and Christianity correspond with that of Islam, and if it does, then how it does. Secondly, the state of the Muslims, the ummah (followers) of Muhammad now.

Perhaps we leave the signs for another time, but it will be even better when our ulama use the pulpit (and other opportunities) to explain these matters. Yet, for the most part, there is an eerie silence. In the last blog ( ), broad references were made as to the global scenario. But on a more micro level, the weakness is seen in your thought patterns and generally the starting point of it. What is your default. Had Quran and Sunnah been your default, you will always ask “what does Quran and sunnah say?”, i.e. “what does Allah and His Rassool (His Messenger Muhammad) say. Even today you find people belong to some groups where the words of the group leader/s are preferred (albeit ignorantly at times) over that of Allah and His Rasool . The weakness of the Muslims lies in this, i.e. the enemies of Islam have done enough to separate you from the primary sources of guidance. While Allah warns in Quran that your enemies will never be satisfied with you until and unless you follow their way of life. You see it clearly happening more and more in the Arab countries, but you decry that hypocritically. Hypocritically because you have been in the clutches of a system for, at least, as long. The Sykes-Picot agreement in 1914 drew the map of the middle east and then promptly used those Arabs, who rebelled against the Caliphate, to bring it, the map and plan, into being. But it was all in the making as the schooling system was reformed just prior to that, the banking system around that time, and, of course, the introduction of allopathic medicine. Feminism started and later, through this openness of sexuality, lead to the LGBQTI+ movement. While in South Africa, there was relative conservatism during the apartheid years, the door creaked open a little more in the 1980’s and by the 1990’s that door was more than just “ajar” since a new South Africa needed to ensure inclusivity for all. This was merely in line with the worldwide trend. A question to pause for a moment: “was South Africa scripted to end apartheid at that time or was it a genuine uprising against the ruling white minority?”.

The west has succeeded in removing jihad from the vocabulary list of Muslims and made non-Muslims think that Jihad is dangerous for them. The Muslim today is more concerned with his worldly life, his “possessions”, his job and, of course, entertainment rather than with being one who calls to good and forbids the evil. And what does the latter even mean?

Trying to condense a lot into a short note, but further discussions need to be had.


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