Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Activating the Self-Destruct Key


If only the world realised it. Realised what? If only the world realised that it is ever closer to self-destruction.  

How can the world realise it when they are slaves to the system. One group fights genocide using the tools provided by the perpetrators of genocide. We eat like them, we dress like them, we speak like them, we act like them. Satan is happy that his job is done - getting mankind to self-destruct. All he needed was his minions, and so much easier when they are from our species or at least look like it. Dark clouds are hanging over the world. A banking crisis is in the making, starting in America and having ripple effects globally. That would be an ideal starting point for World War 3. Why already Israel and Iran are setting the scene for such a war. While this war is inevitable, the timing means we will all be caught, smack bang, in the middle of it. However, it does seem premature that World War 3 will happen now. You would think that such a war will be rather devastating and impact negatively on Agenda2030. Either way, matters will get worse. It is one thing to say that the world is destined to come to an end and that, for that to happen, certain events is prophesied to take place. It is quite another to be a contributor to the destruction of the world. How is it that you wallow in this system that permits injustice (such as the inaction against genocide), that deceives you and confuses you, that deludes you into believing success is merely a worldly affair, that religion is not a way of life and not that relevant, that eating (and drinking and medicating) artificial is better than the injunction of Allah to eat natural, that global warming is a thing (without a shred of evidence except jibber jabber), etc?

Did not Allah proclaim that He created us to implement His law so that peace and justice may prevail by calling to good and prohibiting the bad, the evil. How then do we use the tools of a deceitful group who is set on creating mischief on earth? If only the world realised, nay if only you realised, that you are about to party to the destruction of the world by not sticking to Quran and Sunnah and taking the solutions from there. Simply put, what is written is not for you to be complicit, even though you may be outnumbered by those on error.

What about Iran? Are they genuine? Are they playing games? Or was the latest military action, the drones and missiles, strategic?   


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