Wednesday 22 May 2024

The Plot Thickens

 It was an assassination. If it was, then there must be motive. Were the perpetrators from within the country or from a hostile country? How did they do it?

The good thing about understanding eschatology (referring to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim beliefs about the end of history) is that man’s stupidity is exposed. In truth, their lack of faith and God-consciousness is exposed. Eschatology per the three religions mentioned, differ, largely because the ultimate belief systems differ. It is mindboggling that decent God-fearing people will be intent on destroying life on earth as well at the earth itself. Thus, it is fairly apparent that Satan’s prints are all over much of current life on earth. His minions have taken control of most of the world and is systematically going through the motions of destroying it. You have fallen for the hoax of global warming and “excessive” carbon emissions while nothing of the sort is actually happening. There are carbon emissions, but plant life needs carbon dioxide. Of course, pollution is a problem with much of it stemming from the use of artificial products such as plastics. While you often talk about alternatives as the second-best thing, biodegradable packaging, as an example, should be the primary option and everything else alternatives. Food and medicines are primarily no longer organic while organic is seen as the alternative. Should not Allah’s way be the primary way and not to deviate from it except in extreme circumstances? Am I digressing from the assassination plot? Yeah. The world is hell-bent on self-destruction. Notice the same players. Good will always fight evil but evil, naively, thinks it can win. Rather, the minions of Satan thinks they can win while Satan is well aware of the truth and the consequences. Since the latest round of genocide, somehow it appears that Iran is being provoked to enter into a war. It may well be that Iran is party to this plan which ultimately is to get the middle east into a war. Did Iran not play along or was the ex-President too willing to play along? The answer to this may indicate who the possible assassins are, if indeed you think it may well be an assassination.

Iran has a place in eschatology. Eschatology is such a subject that at some point you will know how close the world is to its end. For now, it is mere speculation. The end seems near, but it can be really very far off. The messiah is a sign except it means different things for Jews, Muslims and Christians. One question to ponder is whether the real Jews, the semitic Jews have fallen for the deception of the Ashkenazi Jews? Wait, what? What’s the difference? – Another time if you need more information. Ultimately, the Jews and Christians will believe in Yeshu (Eesa/Jesus) – peace be upon him, before the world ends.


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