Thursday 25 April 2024

Sunni reaction to Iran drone attack


Books need to be written. Seminar and webinars need to be had. There is much information to share, and blogs and short notes cannot do justice but merely wet the appetite of the reader for more. So, what do you make of the drone and missile strike by Iran on Israel?

There are two plausible explanations for believing that the strikes were a success. Firstly, that much damage was done in Israel, occupied Palestine in truth, but the Israelis, of course will not admit to it. The second argument to support the view for the success, is that the strike showed two things. One is that Iran has capabilities to cause damage in the occupied territories and, with that, was to observe and ascertain the capabilities of the Israelis to intercept and combat the incoming missiles and drones. The additional point to this is that Iran possesses more potent missiles, if not nuclear capability. Both these arguments speak volumes for Iran and no doubt their supporters will be excited while the detractors and enemies will be wary. However, there is a need to clarify one point seeing that a genocide is happening in Palestine. That point is that Iran’s attack was merely a retaliation for the bombing of the consulate and consequent death of Iranians in Syria. Their missile and drone attack had nothing to do with the people of Palestine, nor with the protection of Masjid-al-Aqsa. Certainly, there are some games at play. Is Iran complicit and party to these games, or is Israel goading them to cause some instability in the region and set the world up for a major war? This can be a long story and it really needs to be unpacked. Time and space are against us at this moment but discussions need to be had and a real understanding must be developed, instead of dismissing the next paragraph.

Iran was not always a Shia country. Iran was Sunni for almost a thousand years until the late 16th century when Shah Ismail I conquered Iran and forced the inhabitants to convert to Shiism. Shiism, in short, refers to those who claim that Ali Bin Talib ought to have been the first imam, caliph and, as such, accept him to be the first caliph, thus disregarding Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. While this was merely political at the outset, matters changed later on. One person that is credited with this change is Abd Allah ibn Sabaʾ, a Yemeni Jew who reverted to Islam. He accepted Islam during the reign of Uthman (Allah be pleased with him) and had great love for Ali bin Talib. He asserted the exaltation of Ali, his divine appointment and the introduction of the concept of the Imams (the Shi’a twelvers follow twelve imams from the lineage of Ali). The Jewish influence lingers and is considered the foundation of Shiism. This begs the question whether they are open (real) enemies of the Jews. The further question, without their practice of taqiyyah, is whether they attach any importance to Masjid-al-Aqsa. Answering the latter question in the negative will actually then question the real motive of the Iranians and whether they are trustworthy. You can actually study more, in depth, about Shiism which ought to show you that there is no use defending them, nor is there any benefit it seeking help from them.

Questions: And what is Taqiyyah? Who deserted Imam Hussein at Karbala? What are the holiest site for the Shia?

Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (Allah be please with them) were the four rightly guided caliphs.


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Monday 22 April 2024

The other side of the open door


The minor signs of the end of the world are many while most seemingly have come to pass. While we are on the brink of the major signs, attention should be drawn to at least two things. Firstly, whether the signs from Judaism and Christianity correspond with that of Islam, and if it does, then how it does. Secondly, the state of the Muslims, the ummah (followers) of Muhammad now.

Perhaps we leave the signs for another time, but it will be even better when our ulama use the pulpit (and other opportunities) to explain these matters. Yet, for the most part, there is an eerie silence. In the last blog ( ), broad references were made as to the global scenario. But on a more micro level, the weakness is seen in your thought patterns and generally the starting point of it. What is your default. Had Quran and Sunnah been your default, you will always ask “what does Quran and sunnah say?”, i.e. “what does Allah and His Rassool (His Messenger Muhammad) say. Even today you find people belong to some groups where the words of the group leader/s are preferred (albeit ignorantly at times) over that of Allah and His Rasool . The weakness of the Muslims lies in this, i.e. the enemies of Islam have done enough to separate you from the primary sources of guidance. While Allah warns in Quran that your enemies will never be satisfied with you until and unless you follow their way of life. You see it clearly happening more and more in the Arab countries, but you decry that hypocritically. Hypocritically because you have been in the clutches of a system for, at least, as long. The Sykes-Picot agreement in 1914 drew the map of the middle east and then promptly used those Arabs, who rebelled against the Caliphate, to bring it, the map and plan, into being. But it was all in the making as the schooling system was reformed just prior to that, the banking system around that time, and, of course, the introduction of allopathic medicine. Feminism started and later, through this openness of sexuality, lead to the LGBQTI+ movement. While in South Africa, there was relative conservatism during the apartheid years, the door creaked open a little more in the 1980’s and by the 1990’s that door was more than just “ajar” since a new South Africa needed to ensure inclusivity for all. This was merely in line with the worldwide trend. A question to pause for a moment: “was South Africa scripted to end apartheid at that time or was it a genuine uprising against the ruling white minority?”.

The west has succeeded in removing jihad from the vocabulary list of Muslims and made non-Muslims think that Jihad is dangerous for them. The Muslim today is more concerned with his worldly life, his “possessions”, his job and, of course, entertainment rather than with being one who calls to good and forbids the evil. And what does the latter even mean?

Trying to condense a lot into a short note, but further discussions need to be had.


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Wednesday 17 April 2024

Activating the Self-Destruct Key


If only the world realised it. Realised what? If only the world realised that it is ever closer to self-destruction.  

How can the world realise it when they are slaves to the system. One group fights genocide using the tools provided by the perpetrators of genocide. We eat like them, we dress like them, we speak like them, we act like them. Satan is happy that his job is done - getting mankind to self-destruct. All he needed was his minions, and so much easier when they are from our species or at least look like it. Dark clouds are hanging over the world. A banking crisis is in the making, starting in America and having ripple effects globally. That would be an ideal starting point for World War 3. Why already Israel and Iran are setting the scene for such a war. While this war is inevitable, the timing means we will all be caught, smack bang, in the middle of it. However, it does seem premature that World War 3 will happen now. You would think that such a war will be rather devastating and impact negatively on Agenda2030. Either way, matters will get worse. It is one thing to say that the world is destined to come to an end and that, for that to happen, certain events is prophesied to take place. It is quite another to be a contributor to the destruction of the world. How is it that you wallow in this system that permits injustice (such as the inaction against genocide), that deceives you and confuses you, that deludes you into believing success is merely a worldly affair, that religion is not a way of life and not that relevant, that eating (and drinking and medicating) artificial is better than the injunction of Allah to eat natural, that global warming is a thing (without a shred of evidence except jibber jabber), etc?

Did not Allah proclaim that He created us to implement His law so that peace and justice may prevail by calling to good and prohibiting the bad, the evil. How then do we use the tools of a deceitful group who is set on creating mischief on earth? If only the world realised, nay if only you realised, that you are about to party to the destruction of the world by not sticking to Quran and Sunnah and taking the solutions from there. Simply put, what is written is not for you to be complicit, even though you may be outnumbered by those on error.

What about Iran? Are they genuine? Are they playing games? Or was the latest military action, the drones and missiles, strategic?   


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Monday 15 April 2024

Whose Lie is it anyway?


Whose lie is it anyway. The lie will be perpetuated because the simple answer is “what can we do about it anyway” and a whole host of similar answers, none of which seeks to address the issue.
Muslims from South Africa were once again confronted with the disputed moonsighting issue. The relevance of this discussion is to point out that the overwhelming, if not basically everyone, have been captured and brainwashed. Indoctrination to the extent that even those striving for the truth cannot avoid themselves tainting the truth. For sure, I will be told that I should stay in my lane and leave this matter to the “Ulama” (scholars/learned). However, are you not allowed to ask for clarification or to be informed, educated and empowered with knowledge? Am I correct in saying that the geographical boundaries are man-made with the colonial past often having a bearing on it? Some questions that come to mind is whether the reliance on information from the astronomers influence the final outcome of moonsighting? Is that not somehow taking moon calculations into consideration which then opens the door for those who determine the start and end of a month by calculation? Is this not a case of being influenced by
“suggestion”? Are Muslims really divided such that two towns only a few kilometres apart don’t take the same verdict on the moonsighting, but one may take a verdict from a town more than 1000 kilometres away, just because they share the same geographical boundary. Yet these latter two towns have multiple, differing groups of Ulama, meaning that there is no accepted umbrella ulama body to which everyone subscribes and who has ultimate authority on religious matters in the country. Is this the unity you speak about? The problem is compounded when testimonies of moonsighting is accepted by one group and not another. There is no agreed upon authority to make a ruling, so what happens next?  There is the matter of unity but what exactly does it entail? Do man-made boundaries effectively solve the issue or is the issue bigger than that? Is a sighting from a neighbouring country void but that of a town, within your country, but a greater distance away from you, acceptable? Why is there a need for photographs of the sighting when a mere testimony, with witnesses, is required?
The moon issue is not going away in a hurry as you have seen for over the last forty years locally. How much importance should you attach to man-made boundaries? What defines the difference in region, is it language and culture? Does this apply to the general Muslim or is it the language (mother tongue) of the ulama. Does the difference in ruler play a role even though both rulers are non-Muslim or is it because two countries are Muslim minorities? The issue of testimonies not being accepted is now a recurring theme. Do Muslim moon-sighters incline to technology and trust it for guidance in this matter, and how much influence does it have over them? Is the moon issue your understanding of unity while you differ and even call out some of these learned people on other matters? There are so many more questions. Is rejected testimony a lie? The double-edged sword.
The matter must be discussed with the aim of learning and understanding. It must be discussed with the aim of developing as a community with ideal forums and structures. What impact has this issue had on you and in what are you keen to improve or see improvement?

Friday 5 April 2024

The March to the Holy Land


Sometimes I wonder what our situation would have been like had we lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad or even Yeshu or Moshe (peace be upon them both). Today, many have the full truth of their, the Prophets’, teaching but opt to dilute it or reject it outright. There is a need to understand the reality in the sight of Allah versus the deception of this world while the latter is painted and presented as reality.

You have been sucked in by the system. Consequently, you struggle to join the dots, if you are even trying at all. You are looking for solutions through and within the system while the reality is that which is in the Deen (religion) of Allah, Islam. This modern-day system has been long in the making from the time Satan became the accursed. Over time, he had many minions and today it seems likely that the world is ready for self-destruction. A genocide is taking place and, like the viewing of a movie or a sports event with worldwide audiences, there is no concrete reaction to it. The organs and institutions set up for world peace and the protection of people was set up by the very same people who created a new country with new people in a land where people have always lived and was living at that time. A country was formed on the displacement of a people. That not being enough, a genocide is taking place before our very eyes. Have you exerted enough of yourself to say that you are fully supportive of the people of Palestine? Unless you start to think differently from the indoctrination (that so-called education) from your schooling, your exposure to movies and television, even reading of books, to the politics (including the political system), to the laws governing us, to the economic system, and much more, then you are still using their system to find solutions to play a meaningful role. Even religion has been changed that few know the pristine religion of Islam while they defend every innovation into the religion and spend little time to emulate Prophet Muhammad and his companions (Allah be pleased with them).

You cannot abrogate responsibility. You cannot find ultimate solutions within the system. The democratic system will seemingly give you wins in some areas but, overall, it carries more harm than good, if any good really. There are people dying. The world is in chaos. Muslims ought to command with good and forbid evil and it requires action. Allah will not change the condition of a people unless and until they change themselves. A caliphate awaits and it will not be based on democracy. See the signs? You cannot wait for that time. You must act now. Allah guides the sincere.

You will watch the destruction of Majid-ul-Aqsa in the same way you are watching the destruction of Gaza, its people, its hospitals, its schools and universities. Say it isn’t so.


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Tuesday 2 April 2024

Your reality is the Test

Al Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza, the largest hospital in Palestine, is now out of service after the Israeli army destroyed almost all its buildings and killed or arrested most of its medical personnel.

 Sometimes I wonder what our situation would have been like had we lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad or even Yeshu or Moshe (peace be upon them both). Today, many have the full truth of their, the Prophets’, teaching but opt to dilute it or reject it outright. There is a need to understand the reality in the sight of Allah versus the deception of this world while the latter is painted and presented as reality.

You have been sucked in by the system. Consequently, you struggle to join the dots, if you are even trying at all. You are looking for solutions through and within the system while the reality is that which is in the Deen (religion) of Allah, Islam. This modern-day system has been long in the making from the time Satan became the accursed. Over time, he had many minions and today it seems likely that the world is ready for self-destruction. A genocide is taking place and, like the viewing of a movie or a sports event with worldwide audiences, there is no concrete reaction to it. The organs and institutions set up for world peace and the protection of people was set up by the very same people who created a new country with new people in a land where people have always lived and was living at that time. A country was formed on the displacement of a people. That not being enough, a genocide is taking place before our very eyes. Have you exerted enough of yourself to say that you are fully supportive of the people of Palestine? Unless you start to think differently from the indoctrination (that so-called education) from your schooling, your exposure to movies and television, even reading of books, to the politics (including the political system), to the laws governing us, to the economic system, and much more, then you are still using their system to find solutions to play a meaningful role. Even religion has been changed that few know the pristine religion of Islam while they defend every innovation into the religion and spend little time to emulate Prophet Muhammad and his companions (Allah be pleased with them).

You cannot abrogate responsibility. You cannot find ultimate solutions within the system. The democratic system will seemingly give you wins in some areas but, overall, it carries more harm than good, if any good really. There are people dying. The world is in chaos. Muslims ought to command with good and forbid evil and it requires action. Allah will not change the condition of a people unless and until they change themselves. A caliphate awaits and it will not be based on democracy. See the signs? You cannot wait for that time. You must act now. Allah guides the sincere.

You will watch the destruction of Majid-ul-Aqsa in the same way you are watching the destruction of Gaza, its people, its hospitals, its schools and universities. Say it isn’t so.


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