Thursday 25 January 2024

Why it's Trump


Only the blissfully ignorant will ignore what I am about to say. Sure, I have a lot to say, but I will keep this one brief.

2024 is election year, both in South Africa and in the United States of America. People malign Donald Trump for being a racist and Joe Biden as the Zionist. What is the difference? That is rhetorical, in case you did not know. So, as to the Filistinian issue, do not hold your breath. But that is just it. In a world of deception, you cannot see everything as black and white. What is important is to join the dots. The dots between the many world events and happenings, especially over the last few years. Sure, you can look at some things and call it greed. It is better understood if you think a little deeper. What is greed and why? If you do not comprehend, then it is not a problem. It only becomes a problem if you don’t ask questions, if you don’t learn while, of course, you may disagree at points. As to the South African elections, then the view, earlier in 2023, was that the ANC may not garner 50% of the vote. Now that problem seems to have disappeared with the ANC touted to remain in power. What has changed?

Around the time of the BRICS summit in South Africa in 2023, a certain Victoria Nuland, career diplomat and US Acting Deputy Secretary of State and Under Secretary for Political Affairs, visited South Africa. Please read up about her. Just a quick point, that her Jewish husband, Robert Kagan, wrote to George W Bush immediately after 911 and called on America to attack Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein even if there was no evidence linking Iraq to the 911 attack. These are the people of influence that you may be overlooking. So was her role to disrupt BRICS or to ensure South Africa remains key to both sides? And why is South Africa key? Then not long after, talk of ANC not getting 50% +1 of the vote disappeared over the horizon. Back to the comparison of the US politics to South African politics, then ultimately the President and ruling party are controlled. Democracy is a waste of your breath in discussing the merits of voting for the ANC or whichever party. A short note will not do justice to the topic but suffice it to say that the future looks gloomy because, as a start, everything is not as it seems. The real state capture is happening now, and Jacob Zuma was an easy target to be framed. He may not be innocent, but South Africa is experiencing worse now.

Join the dots and continue to debate intelligently or just continue to walk blindly.

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