Friday, 29 March 2024

Will Allah save Aqsa?


Every Friday, for a Muslim, is good Friday, because Friday is the best day of the week.  As for other connotations, then that is not from Islam and we say to those people who believe in this “to you your religion and to us, ours” and we leave them be. We continue to worship Allah, who neither begets, nor is begotten, and we worship Him in the manner that He legislated.

The talk of the red heifer is almost reaching a crescendo. However, that ritual in and of itself, has no meaning and no basis in Islam. What may concern us rather is what happens after the sacrifice of the unblemished red heifer. While the general understanding from Quran is that the Jews will enter Masjid-ul-Aqsa again, the question of its destruction is not necessarily implied by it. They will cause destruction as they have already done in Gaza. But will this destruction eventually include Al-Aqsa? The rulers in the Muslim world are “steadfast in their condemnation” of the brutality meted out to the Palestinians. As for action, that is not forthcoming. The masses are told to be patient and obey their rulers. Should the scenario become reality in the short-term where Aqsa is stormed by the Jews, who will defend Aqsa. Is it that perhaps Allah will save Aqsa, the first Qiblah of the Muslims, like He saved the Ka’bah from Abrahah* and the elephants? There is a tendency for people to interpret Quran to suit their argument. The same applies to weak hadith and sometimes even fabricated hadith. You will need to avoid this and avoid sensationalism. Of course, if you do this for acts of worship, then you will have deviated from the straight path. Some people are genuinely researching current affairs and will come across information which may lack credibility. These should be discarded, and you must be patient until information reaches you from a worthy source. Indeed, leadership and guidance are lacking. The least you should do is to incline yourself, your family and general lifestyle to that which please Allah. You cannot be concerned about a possible world war or just the dire situation in Palestine and not seek ways to draw closer to Allah. It is easy to march, but more difficult to boycott businesses and products while reforming yourself is far from easy. But what outcome do you want in all of this? And is paradise not your goal? You have been more than tapped on the shoulder as a reminder.

The matters in Palestine must be of concern. These are difficult times. The red heifer is big news. The intended actions thereafter will impact Muslims and possibly the world. What are we to do then?



*Abrahah is not to be confused with Abraham. He is Abrahah al-Ashram, the Ethiopian governor of Yemen.


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Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Bold Question

 Sometimes you have to ask the bold question like “have you thought of how and when you are going to die?” Pretty morbid, right?

The story of the red heifer remains important as the expectant Jews and some Christians prepare for the imminent slaughter and sacrifice of the unblemished red heifer, a female cow. This event will signal that the third temple must be built on the site of Masjid-ul-Aqsa. Thus, it is expected that the Jews will storm Al-Aqsa in numbers to destroy it once the sacrifice has been concluded and the ashes strewn over the entire Aqsa precinct. For the Christians, they are looking forward to the return of Yeshu* (peace be upon him). Muslims expect Eesa (peace upon him too) but we do not have to do any ritual for that to happen. It is in Allah’s hands to decide. How we pray that the time is not yet here and that they find a white hair or two on the red heifer which will make it blemished and not suitable for sacrifice. Why might you want that to happen when the appearance of the Antichrist and the coming of Yeshu (peace be upon him) is inevitable. For starters, it will mean that evil is so widespread while there are only a few true believers. It means that we have not done enough to stem the flow of evil and consequently the world is fertile for the shenanigans of the Antichrist (ad-dajjal). The importance of Prophet Yeshu’s (peace be upon him) coming is because he is obligated with the responsibility to kill the antichrist. People have generally not been connecting the dots, but the minions of the antichrist really do have the world in its grasp. It is never too late to change things since a believer never despairs but continues to command with good and forbid the evil.  A believer knows that matters of the unseen is only in the domain of Allah. This includes, of course, when the world will end, and we don’t know this. It is our duty to proclaim and spread the truth until our last breath. The sad reality is that you don’t hear these matters being discussed from our pulpits. While some may wish to argue against such a need, then understand in the current situation in Palestine it makes every sense why these matters must be unpacked. Prophet Muhammad taught his companions, over 1400 years ago, how to seek protection against dajjal. How is it then possible that people are not reminded about it from the pulpit?  

The starting point for Islam was Tauheed, Belief in the Oneness of Allah. Coupled to that belief is the necessary disbelief in taghut (that which calls to worship other than the worship of Allah). It is in your firmness on this that will increase your eemaan (faith) which, accompanied with the correct good action, will gain you the satisfaction of Allah. And perhaps with our firm intentions, our repentance, and prayers, that Allah will bring clear victory soon.

Note: it is important to familiarise yourself with Al-Aqsa compound


*Yeshu is the Aramaic name while Jesus is the Roman name


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Friday, 22 March 2024

Are you reading from the wrong script?

Reading from the wrong script invariably means that you will get your lines wrong. You will miss the point, and in an examination, your will lose marks. Leaders ought to get it right more often than wrong. Sadly, real leaders, guides and teachers are few and far between.

Reading from the wrong script means you will get your lines wrong. The system under which the world, in general, lives have shaped your thoughts and ideas through many avenues including the education and political systems. It is just over a century since the demise of the last caliphate, viz. the Ottoman caliphate. That it was allowed to fall, with help from the inside, and never yet been restored, tells a story. A painful story. While everyone is worried about the elections in various countries, including USA, the truth is that the outcome is the same. The outcome is the same no matter who wins because the elected officials are not beholden to the people, but to their masters who remain “anonymous”. Ultimately, everyone is answerable to Allah and your misdeeds will not go unnoticed, and neither will the misdeeds of each and everyone. Thus, they plan, but Allah too plans, and Allah is the best of planners. However, what He, Allah, has revealed as guidance is the true script and you will be fluffing your lines if you read from the wrong script. In previous blogs (see list below), the red heifers were mentioned. The time for their sacrifice draws every closer, it may be a matter of weeks. The Jews have their plans. Their expected result is to slaughter the heifer and then proceed to build the third temple on the site of Masjid-ul-Aqsa. The building of the temple is important for the appearance of their Messiah, Ad-dajjal, the Anti-Christ. Muslims and Christians await the return of Masih-ibn-Maryam, ‘Eesa, Yeshu (or in the apparent Romanised name “Jesus”). The Muslims expect the appearance of Al-Mahdi before the return of Yeshu (peace be upon him). Wait, lets get back to Al-Aqsa and the third temple. The world, including the Arabs and Muslims in general, except a few, have been spectators to the G.e-n-o-c- I – d – e  in the occupied territory. The question that may arise very soon, if it is not already in the minds of Muslims, their monarchs and presidents, is what will be the Muslim reaction if anyone dares to destroy Masjid-al-Aqsa.

Those who wish to learn and do the right thing should learn from the right script (Quran and hadith) and abandon their reliance on their “western” education and script. Only a few will hold onto the truth. Others will be “picky and choosy” or totally abandon the truth and fluff their lines. Learn, ask questions and discuss, only for the sake of Allah.


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Friday, 15 March 2024

The Soft Underbelly


Can you imagine what paradise is like? Do you take time out to imagine you being in paradise? To reach paradise you must die a worldly death to attain the everlasting pleasure of paradise. And what better death than being a martyr.

We are present in this holy month which witnessed the Battle of Badr but who of us would have been in the company of the Muslims during that battle, had we lived then? Of course, Allah designed and decreed that we live in this era, the here and now. We are armchair spectators to one of the worst, if not the worst, atrocity in the history of mankind. It is the life of today to be spectators. Everything around us creates the atmosphere for “viewing” and little about taking action. Islam has never been a religion of inaction and passiveness. Rather, Islam is built on faith and action. The bare minimum is to carry out the five pillars of Islam, viz. To bear testimony in the worship of Allah alone and that Prophet Muhammad is His final messenger. But your faith will never be complete unless you love for your Muslim brother what you love for yourself. Your faith will never be complete when his pain is not also your pain. So, when you see a wrong, you change it with your hands, and if you are unable, then with your speech and if you are unable, then with your heart (in prayer) but the latter is the weakest form of faith (as per the hadith of Prophet Muhammad )1. Of course, justice is not reserved for Muslims and Muslims are obligated to ensure justice for all.  There is always a group that are downright sell-outs and then there is the majority that believe battles are won with slogans, petitions and court-cases. Yes, we must speak out. Yes, we must make dua. But more than that we must act. The weakness in our words and prayers strongly suggest we must reform. Perhaps in our reformation to the pristine Islam taught by Prophet Muhammad and practised by the first three generations, we will be favoured with being part of the solution and victory. Victory is inevitable, it is just whether we are part of it.

Everybody is good at so many things, but not so good at proclaiming the religion of Allah, Islam. And not so good at making meaningful changes in their lives and to implement the changes which will augment the fight for justice and rid the world of evil and oppression.

1.      Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever among you sees evil, let him change it with his hand. If he cannot do so, then with his tongue. If he cannot do so, then with his heart, which is the weakest level of faith.” [Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 49]


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Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Your Honour


Gaza is in ruins. The people are starving. What a great month have we entered so that our need for food is decreased while our spirituality and good deeds are on the increase (The Cape Muslim Dialogue: The Freezer is Full ( A month in which Quran was revealed and a month is which the pivotal battle of Badr took place.

The Quran was revealed and how privileged are we to be Muslim with the Quran as our guide. The Quran is the book of truth, preserved by the Almighty Allah Himself. From what is apparent, a means of preservation of Quran is through the memorisation of Quran by millions of people, many who reside in Gaza. Quran and sunnah are our identity as Muslims. Had it therefore not been for the revelation of Quran, we may have been lost. But Allah in His infinite mercy revealed Quran to us via Prophet Muhammad , who was sent as a mercy to the world. If there is anything to celebrate and commemorate, then it is the revelation of Quran. The month of Ramadan is honoured because of Quran. Shall we then not also seek to gain honour by making Quran our companion for life. Ramadan is the training ground and what better time than in this glorious month, to take another step to cement your bond with Quran. You have been favoured by Allah to be Muslim, because eemaan (faith) is a gift from Allah.

There were tough times in the early days of Islam. One such day was the Battle of Badr when 313 poorly armed Muslims faced the mighty Quraysh (1000 strong) in the month of Ramadan. Allah granted the Muslims victory that day. Would Islam have survived had the Muslims lost? The importance of this victory is so far-reaching that it simply had to happen. For the Muslim, there is no victory without Allah. This month, and the immediate situation we are all aware of, has a level of significance more than we may have experienced before. Surely Allah will not let a people in the lands in which is Quds, be completely wiped out? Those people have Jannah (paradise) awaiting them. What about you and me? Shall we not seek honour through Quran and maximise the benefits of Ramadan as if we are partaking in Badr (in some small way)? Shall we feast while people are starving for no other reason than being Muslim? Shall we continue to neglect the Quran?

The Battle of Badr was a defining moment in the history of Islam. Shall we not make this month a defining moment too?


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Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Iftar at the third haram

How many are aware of the demise of the Caliphate on 03 March 1924 corresponding to 27 Rajab 1342 of the Hijri calendar? And just like the youth do not relate to apartheid, there are life-changing events that are forgotten. Will the Palestinian people be forgotten as it seems that, at this rate, they are getting wiped out?

Just as people debate the importance of the Caliphate, so too there are “debates” about the “need” and the “how” to support the Palestinians. Of course, imagine Jerusalem without Palestinians. Will that be the end of Masjid-al-Aqsa? An example of how we have strayed, i.e. how we have lost our connection to what is important, is the matter of “Ramadan Expo’s”. I thought it was a place where the basics and importance of Ramadan are covered. Rather, it is but a market. By all means have your market, but why associate it to Ramadan since it has nothing to do with Ramadan. We have trivialised some matters and forgotten others. Will you remember the starving Palestinians when you break your fast? Do you understand that the fall of the Caliphate gave rise to monarchs and presidents of “countries” whose role is to justify the division of the ummah, based on nationality. It created a vacuum in which Muslims have no leader. It seemingly removed the duty to defend Muslims. And further to the geographical divide after Muslims rebelled against the Ottoman empire and sided with the British and French so that they can get their fiefdom, the enemies of Islam did not stop there. Muslims are not bound by geographical boundaries, so the enemies of Islam infiltrated further, in many guises, and sought to corrupt the religion of Islam. This is a heavy subject of which we cannot cover the details in a short space of time except to warn against it. The pointing of fingers at Arab leaders has its merits, but self-reflection is important. Your belief must not be corrupted. Things that you may find trivial, may well be far more important than you think. And yet, belief is corrupted. Ramadan is such a month that you must reflect, repent and attain Allah-consciousness. The latter is the goal. Allah is Lord and deifying anyone by giving them attributes that belong only to Allah, is a grave sin. Keep matters simple and worship Allah alone. Reflect on the issues affecting the ummah and the world at large. Remember those suffering and assist to alleviate their plight, especially the Palestinians. Return to the pristine teachings of Prophet Muhammad upon whom was revealed Quran in the month of Ramadan, and who taught us also through his sunnah.   Avoid innovation for it distorts the teaching of Rasoolullah .

Let us, through our sincere actions, be the reason Allah not only saves the Palestinians, but grants us ease from calamity and grants peace. Let us have iftar (break fast) in Jerusalem.



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Friday, 1 March 2024



The red heifer story and event is rather important in the context of the Palestinian issue.

The phrase “from the river to the sea” is actually a Zionist phrase meaning from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean Sea. Their aspiration to have “Bilad-e-sham” which includes Jordan, Syria and part of Iraq. Some include Madinah in this territory. It is quite an extensive area. The start of it all is Masjid-al-Aqsa. To this end, the Jews must slaughter an unblemished red heifer, in a place close to where Yeshu, Eesa, Jesus – peace be upon him – was “crucified” (of course, Quran clarifies that he was not crucified). Once this is done, they can proceed to build the third temple on the site of Aqsa, meaning Aqsa must be destroyed. This will also signal the advent of their messiah, the Antichrist, Ad-Dajjaal. After 75 years of occupation, and even suffering loss of life, property and belongings in the immediate period before 1948, the Palestinians know that the destruction of Masjid-al-Aqsa will be virtually a death blow to them and Muslims in general. The result, Al-Aqsa flood. You now know how berserk the Israelis became, butchering over 30 000 Palestinians including over 12000 children. As the saying goes “silence is consent” which means the silence from the Muslim Arab leaders, except for some feint weak call for ceasefire”, is deafening. Surely these “leaders” must take some responsibility for the latest events in the killing and maiming of starving Palestinians when these people tried to access aid dropped from aircraft. At the end of it all, we know that Allah is all-aware and all-knowledgeable of what is happening. To this extent, you and I too will be judged for our sincerity. How much are we doing? Do we expect Allah to assist because we pray for assistance while we feast and party, even as Ramadan is approaching? Do we expect Allah to assist because we pray while we flout His laws otherwise without blinking?  Do we expect Allah to assist while we wallow in a system designed by the very people carrying out genocide? Allah will help the Palestinians, if for nothing else but that they have shown courage patience and perseverance. Yet will we get our share of reward from it? Are we deserved of it?

While you look outside of Islam for answers, assistance and praise the self-immolation of an American airman, your sincerity is tested. Only Allah can assist and to Him we submit. How many nations were destroyed by a mere word from Him. The red heifer is about to be slaughtered with its enormous consequences.


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Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...