Wednesday 6 March 2024

Iftar at the third haram

How many are aware of the demise of the Caliphate on 03 March 1924 corresponding to 27 Rajab 1342 of the Hijri calendar? And just like the youth do not relate to apartheid, there are life-changing events that are forgotten. Will the Palestinian people be forgotten as it seems that, at this rate, they are getting wiped out?

Just as people debate the importance of the Caliphate, so too there are “debates” about the “need” and the “how” to support the Palestinians. Of course, imagine Jerusalem without Palestinians. Will that be the end of Masjid-al-Aqsa? An example of how we have strayed, i.e. how we have lost our connection to what is important, is the matter of “Ramadan Expo’s”. I thought it was a place where the basics and importance of Ramadan are covered. Rather, it is but a market. By all means have your market, but why associate it to Ramadan since it has nothing to do with Ramadan. We have trivialised some matters and forgotten others. Will you remember the starving Palestinians when you break your fast? Do you understand that the fall of the Caliphate gave rise to monarchs and presidents of “countries” whose role is to justify the division of the ummah, based on nationality. It created a vacuum in which Muslims have no leader. It seemingly removed the duty to defend Muslims. And further to the geographical divide after Muslims rebelled against the Ottoman empire and sided with the British and French so that they can get their fiefdom, the enemies of Islam did not stop there. Muslims are not bound by geographical boundaries, so the enemies of Islam infiltrated further, in many guises, and sought to corrupt the religion of Islam. This is a heavy subject of which we cannot cover the details in a short space of time except to warn against it. The pointing of fingers at Arab leaders has its merits, but self-reflection is important. Your belief must not be corrupted. Things that you may find trivial, may well be far more important than you think. And yet, belief is corrupted. Ramadan is such a month that you must reflect, repent and attain Allah-consciousness. The latter is the goal. Allah is Lord and deifying anyone by giving them attributes that belong only to Allah, is a grave sin. Keep matters simple and worship Allah alone. Reflect on the issues affecting the ummah and the world at large. Remember those suffering and assist to alleviate their plight, especially the Palestinians. Return to the pristine teachings of Prophet Muhammad upon whom was revealed Quran in the month of Ramadan, and who taught us also through his sunnah.   Avoid innovation for it distorts the teaching of Rasoolullah .

Let us, through our sincere actions, be the reason Allah not only saves the Palestinians, but grants us ease from calamity and grants peace. Let us have iftar (break fast) in Jerusalem.



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