The red heifer story and event is
rather important in the context of the Palestinian issue.
The phrase “from the river to the
sea” is actually a Zionist phrase meaning from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean
Sea. Their aspiration to have “Bilad-e-sham” which includes Jordan, Syria and
part of Iraq. Some include Madinah in this territory. It is quite an extensive
area. The start of it all is Masjid-al-Aqsa. To this end, the Jews must slaughter
an unblemished red heifer, in a place close to where Yeshu, Eesa, Jesus –
peace be upon him – was “crucified” (of course, Quran clarifies that he was
not crucified). Once this is done, they can proceed to build the third
temple on the site of Aqsa, meaning Aqsa must be destroyed. This will also
signal the advent of their messiah, the Antichrist, Ad-Dajjaal. After 75 years
of occupation, and even suffering loss of life, property and belongings in the
immediate period before 1948, the Palestinians know that the destruction of
Masjid-al-Aqsa will be virtually a death blow to them and Muslims in general.
The result, Al-Aqsa flood. You now know how berserk the Israelis became,
butchering over 30 000 Palestinians including over 12000 children. As the
saying goes “silence is consent” which means the silence from the Muslim Arab
leaders, except for some feint weak call for ceasefire”, is deafening. Surely
these “leaders” must take some responsibility for the latest events in the
killing and maiming of starving Palestinians when these people tried to access aid
dropped from aircraft. At the end of it all, we know that Allah is all-aware
and all-knowledgeable of what is happening. To this extent, you and I too will
be judged for our sincerity. How much are we doing? Do we expect Allah to
assist because we pray for assistance while we feast and party, even as Ramadan
is approaching? Do we expect Allah to assist because we pray while we flout His
laws otherwise without blinking? Do we
expect Allah to assist while we wallow in a system designed by the very people
carrying out genocide? Allah will help the Palestinians, if for nothing else
but that they have shown courage patience and perseverance. Yet will we get our
share of reward from it? Are we deserved of it?
While you look outside of Islam
for answers, assistance and praise the self-immolation of an American airman, your
sincerity is tested. Only Allah can assist and to Him we submit. How many
nations were destroyed by a mere word from Him. The red heifer is about to be
slaughtered with its enormous consequences.
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