Friday 15 March 2024

The Soft Underbelly


Can you imagine what paradise is like? Do you take time out to imagine you being in paradise? To reach paradise you must die a worldly death to attain the everlasting pleasure of paradise. And what better death than being a martyr.

We are present in this holy month which witnessed the Battle of Badr but who of us would have been in the company of the Muslims during that battle, had we lived then? Of course, Allah designed and decreed that we live in this era, the here and now. We are armchair spectators to one of the worst, if not the worst, atrocity in the history of mankind. It is the life of today to be spectators. Everything around us creates the atmosphere for “viewing” and little about taking action. Islam has never been a religion of inaction and passiveness. Rather, Islam is built on faith and action. The bare minimum is to carry out the five pillars of Islam, viz. To bear testimony in the worship of Allah alone and that Prophet Muhammad is His final messenger. But your faith will never be complete unless you love for your Muslim brother what you love for yourself. Your faith will never be complete when his pain is not also your pain. So, when you see a wrong, you change it with your hands, and if you are unable, then with your speech and if you are unable, then with your heart (in prayer) but the latter is the weakest form of faith (as per the hadith of Prophet Muhammad )1. Of course, justice is not reserved for Muslims and Muslims are obligated to ensure justice for all.  There is always a group that are downright sell-outs and then there is the majority that believe battles are won with slogans, petitions and court-cases. Yes, we must speak out. Yes, we must make dua. But more than that we must act. The weakness in our words and prayers strongly suggest we must reform. Perhaps in our reformation to the pristine Islam taught by Prophet Muhammad and practised by the first three generations, we will be favoured with being part of the solution and victory. Victory is inevitable, it is just whether we are part of it.

Everybody is good at so many things, but not so good at proclaiming the religion of Allah, Islam. And not so good at making meaningful changes in their lives and to implement the changes which will augment the fight for justice and rid the world of evil and oppression.

1.      Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever among you sees evil, let him change it with his hand. If he cannot do so, then with his tongue. If he cannot do so, then with his heart, which is the weakest level of faith.” [Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 49]


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