Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Final Wake up Call

Stop it  ---- stop it ----- stop it 

Five red heifers were found in Texas, USA and taken to Jerusalem. At least one must be sacrificed. Why?  Before we answer that question, you also need to know that the heifer must be totally unblemished. There must not be even one hair which is maybe white.

If you read the last blog then you know that the idea was always to weaken Muslims and to sow division between them. Hajj is a major stumbling block for the enemies of Allah – another discussion on its own. As per these enemies indoctrination, Muslims have been clamouring for democracy which is a system foreign to Islam. Where did democracy originate? As for medicine, Allopathic or modern medicine is the antithesis of tibb-un-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine). In terms of  justice, what about these great international organisations like the UN and it organs like the ICJ and ICC? Can one country really hold the world to ransom and use its veto against the demands of the entire world, against morality? How then do you struggle to join the dots, thinking that there is any good in the UN while its existence is one of evil. Is evil not the opposite of good? Victory of truth over evil is inevitable but what will your role be in this victory, while you are duped at every turn. Have a good look at the top of the US administration then you see a state that was captured a very long time ago. Likewise, every major organisation in the world has been established or captured by the same group of people. You can hardly drink bottled water or eat cereal without realising that you too have been captured. You have been funding the ge   no   cide. The last four years should still be fresh in your memory. If you don’t realise that you were duped into believing what came from the WHO and WEF because it is the same people who is bringing you the G eno cide. But they have done a good job in your “education” and right now South Africa is facing another bill that take away your rights, as parents, in educating your children or as caregivers and guardians of your children. You are failing and as such you will be doing a disservice to your children.  

Oh yes, the red heifers. According to the Jews, once sacrificed, it will lead to the appearance of their messiah. There are some events in between – on that, another time. Suffice to say, that their messiah is Ad-dajjal, the antichrist. The point is that unless you wake up, you may end up liking the antichrist – may Allah guide and protect us all.


PS! There is no evidence yet that the red heifers are still unblemished and ready for slaughter. Importantly, Allah knows best when will the be the “hour”.  We merely try to join the dots.


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Picture courtesy https://www.facinghistory.org





Thursday, 22 February 2024

Wars and Scores


The naivety of man is to consider matters totally independent of each other, e.g proclaiming justice while feeding on the poison of the unjust and evil.

This needs to be unpacked, but we will deal with it in short breathes. Consider the two world wars and their impact on Muslims. A need to join the dots and formulating a new question on the historical impact on Muslims of the ages or specifically over the last say, two hundred years or shall we make it one hundred and twenty years. History books will paint a picture and within it will be certain protagonists. To a large extent, it will be hard to argue that those mentioned were not protagonists. The set up and framework within certain events happened is so plausible that it must be accepted as the main plot. The reason for both world wars are clearly documented and you found no reason to see it any differently. Cast a glancing eye to the Muslim world in both these wars and you will start to see who were the ultimate victims of both wars. Germany was the main player in both wars, but they recovered both times and are thriving overall even they lost both wars. The first world war resulted in the demise of the Ottoman empire and with it the Caliphate. The allies 1, Muslims 0. Along came the very many Arab kingdoms and states, all as a result of the Sykes-Picot agreement. And in between came the Balfour declaration while Palestine became a British protectorate. Can we say Allies 2, Muslims 0? Fast forward to the second world war in which Turkey, the remaining land of the erstwhile Ottoman empire, did not partake. Germany was at it again and a certain Adolf Hitler. The Allies were victorious and even though the Muslim involvement in the war was negligible, the result by 1948 was: Allies 3 Muslims 0. The state of Is-rale was formed in occupied Falasteen. Thus, the results of the wars were heavily against Muslims while they were, at no time, protagonists in the war.

Today, the Palestinians are facing geno   cide at the hands of the Allies. No one is willing to help. The International Court of Justice is an organ of the United Nations - UNO (more on this another time)  - while the UNO is proven to be an institution of injustice. Is this Allies 4 Muslims 0, for certainly nought has come from so-called Muslim countries. Is this latest Rafah situation game over? This needs further discussion and elaboration. We conclude this note affirming our belief that Allah is in control and victory will come. He decides on when it will happen, but, for sure, that we must seek forgiveness, repent and give up sins and innovation, to gain the pleasure of Allah. The enemy is rejoicing in our misguidance (in following their way) while fear will grip their hearts when Muslims are firm on their deen.

And Allah knows best

·        The term Allies is used. Effectively, as things stand now, it is pretty much NATO. Nato though was formed in 1949. NATO can be seen as Allies minus Russia. Japan is not part of NATO but has an alliance with NATO.

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Picture courtesy https://www.arabnews.com/



Monday, 12 February 2024

Important dates on the calendar


How focused are you? Have you been a little distracted?

Painting the town red on Valentine’s Day. That is how it works, isn't it? These types of days are, at best, distractions from what really matters and how you should really live your life. In reality, it is such a lie that you should feel disgust at it. Of course, there are things like Mother’s Day and Father's Day, and many others. Introducing these matters, commercialised at that, is part of a system that takes you away from the truth. The truth can only be called the truth when it is pure and untainted. Islam is a complete way of life. When you make things important in your life, which is not from the religion of Islam, then you have fallen into the trap. There are things which you may find important but are permissible and therefore not a problem. However, the trap is far and wide, and few can claim to be free from it. How do you counter the influence of the Zionists and the minions of the antichrist when you, almost willingly, if not totally willingly, fall into their trap. The system of Islam is clear, and it is a way of life which Muslims must enter into completely. The more you engage in those matters which are foreign to Islam and which aim is to corrupt you, the weaker you become in fighting the enemy of Allah.

To those who wish to change Valentine’s Day to Palestine Day, have lost the plot. You cannot change a wrong by redressing it in the hope that it becomes something good. The truth must be untainted by wrong and sinful speech and actions. Such attempts to redress falsehood as truth must be rejected outright. As for the red heifer, according to the Jews, it is a sign of the coming of the Antichrist. Thus, it is important to clearly be in the right camp when the antichrist does appear. Will he appear soon? Allah knows best. What you and I should do, is make sure that we and our families are firmly rooted on the truth and that this will continue for generations to come. What an awesome legacy to leave.

The belief in Allah is incomplete without the disbelief in falsehood.

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Picture courtesy https://www.history.com



Friday, 9 February 2024

Independence or Coloniser on the Stoep?

Is it a conspiracy to believe that the Democratic Alliance, DA, is more of a coloniser than its interest in being the official opposition nationally?

I am still not finishing the heifer story, but soon. Perhaps you have done some research. There is so much to talk about that the need to join the dots is becoming more urgent by the day. The masses are asleep even while the matter of P - @ - lest – ine remains high, if not on top of everyone’s minds and agenda. To this degree, people are defecting from the DA, both as members and voters. Of course, democracy is still important for the general populace. Maybe it is not the right time to tell everyone that all parties, including the ANC are controlled. Closer to home for those in the Western Cape, there is a party called the Cape Independence Party which calls for Capexit. While, at another time/era, I might have been supportive of such a move, that this party is captured by the DA and its masters is a matter of grave concern. Now that you all understand who runs the DA, you will understand the threat being posed to the Western Cape. The Muslim population of the Western Cape is sizeable, and the majority Christians will not accept taking us back to pre-1994 days. The time to consider what role you play in this region is now. The millennials and Generation Z have not experienced any struggle, except perhaps economically. While economics is a big struggle, living in a “free” South Africa, the emphasis was a little blunted. You will, in any case, be blaming the ANC government and, less so, the DA. However, with the DA ruling the Western Cape, and considering the political dynamics both locally and internationally, is it possible that with Capexit, that the Western Cape can become a Zionist enclave?

There is no truth in democracy since the idea does not incline towards truth. You need to wake up and do what is right. Ultimately, when you talk about the devil you know versus the devil you don’t know, then truth and righteousness has passed you by while you are comparing devils. It, the truth, needs to be reclaimed for your own salvation. Bottom line is that now you have to consider whether this matter is a conspiracy theory or a real threat. What you gonna do about it?


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Picture courtesy https://www.timeslive.co.za



Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Red Heifer

The story of the red heifers is real interesting and rather important. Do you know what this is all about?

Before we get to talk more about that, you need to understand that they have you fairly much where they want you. You are likely enslaved to their system. Of the greatest sins is partaking in Riba (usury/interest) and hardly anyone can claim to not, at least, have the dust of Riba on them. So, if you are not committing shirk (making partnership with Allah), then probably the biggest sin you are engaged in right now is dealing in riba. The system spares no one. You are beholden to the system from medical practices to schooling to banking and finance and then, of course, entertainment. We will go down this road where you hide behind ulama (religious scholars) for certain rulings and claiming ignorance where no ruling suits you. It is pretty much clear that music is forbidden. Let’s do it the long way and not go into the detail now so that you can actually do some research, proper research. Don’t blame the older folk or hide behind those who passed on. The only way to hide behind them is to get in their graves which is surely not going to happen while you are alive. Pray for them rather and, you too, repent. But the easy part of this is to point out those matters which are clearly forbidden. Those matters that appear good and in order, is where the real deceit lies.  

This next line or two may need much more explanation but not right now. You and I were created by the most Perfect Creator, Allah. He left nothing out. Of course, He sent children as a blessing and a test (no, no, nor long discussion on this now). In the golden era of Islam, did any of these great Muslim scientists even suggest a baby must get jabbed at birth and then a million times more in the next few years of his life? Why then do we tamper with the creation of Allah when there is no apparent deficiency or ailment in the child? If you only but knew how absolutely amazing your immune system is until you messed with it. We can go on but for censorship. But you get the gist. Then there is the schooling system which is not healthy either. The system itself is detrimental but, more so, the curricula are deteriorating while you cannot be certain that what the children are being taught is factual.

You heard of the age of deception. There are two immediate parts to which you may want to pay special attention. There is a lot more, but two for now. Firstly, look at history, in some detail, over the last 100 to 150 years and then, secondly, learn more about the antichrist and end times. This is in no way a suggestion that we are right at the end, but we do ackowledge deception is ever on the rise. And then there’s the red heifers.

More on that in the next few posts.

See previous post: https://capemuslimspeak.blogspot.com/2024/02/you-are-entrenching-plot.html


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Picture courtesy https://www.theguardian.com




Monday, 5 February 2024

You are entrenching the plot


What if the Israelis are right?

I know many of you go to great lengths to differentiate between Zionism and Judaism. I think that that is a discussion to be had, but not today. It is not really that important. You are more important. For all your fighting Zionism, you have bought into their system, proudly proclaiming the system and defending the system. On certain points you will argue that what you do, does not conflict with your Islam and the shari’ah. What are you not arguing for or promoting? You defended yourself in relation to your lifestyle while you did not offer Islam as your lifestyle. This is a warning for me as it is for everyone else. Indeed, many have become ritualistic Muslims and then even ceremonial Muslims. Your thinking has been tainted and these views are with which you are painted. It is important and long overdue that these matters are unpacked because people are losing their eemaan (faith) and their Islam. As things are unfolding, it is ever increasingly difficult to talk about making hijrah (migration/emigration) to a Muslim country as the doors to evil and corruption are opened by their rulers.

In Islam there is permissibility for societal norms and trends as long as it does not conflict with Islamic law itself. Thus, it can be argued that the age of marriage is not documented in Islam except that it is permissible to marry when the age of puberty is reached. However, the current norm is that the dunya (wordly) life is placed first before the protection of the youngsters and the community itself. Living inside the confines of the system must be limited to exactly those matters which are beyond your control at this moment in time, e.g. schooling finishes generally at the age of eighteen before you can attend a tertiary institution and gain some reasonable qualification. But what is at the end of that qualification? Leaving that aside for now, the age factor dominates our lives. Then that thing called 21st. You have shaped your life and given importance to matters which does impact your faith. Here’s where you have to do further analysis. Suffice to say, that while you are constrained by the system, in which you find yourself, on some matters. Definitely, you have adopted customs that is not of Islam while it is easy to avoid. To beat the system, you have to at least forego those practices that are totally “optional” and carry no benefit, but perhaps harm.

So, how is it that Israel is possibly right? Well, your actions speak to it. Your acceptance of the system speak to it. That Zionists are in all strategic positions in the global and local scenario and are thus able to create and bear influence on the system, means that your following the system is nothing but following Zionist philosophy.   

The discussion must be had to extricate ourselves from the system. The start is to reject as much of it as possible.

 ..... to be continued

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Picture courtesy https://stock.adobe.com



Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...