Monday, 12 February 2024

Important dates on the calendar


How focused are you? Have you been a little distracted?

Painting the town red on Valentine’s Day. That is how it works, isn't it? These types of days are, at best, distractions from what really matters and how you should really live your life. In reality, it is such a lie that you should feel disgust at it. Of course, there are things like Mother’s Day and Father's Day, and many others. Introducing these matters, commercialised at that, is part of a system that takes you away from the truth. The truth can only be called the truth when it is pure and untainted. Islam is a complete way of life. When you make things important in your life, which is not from the religion of Islam, then you have fallen into the trap. There are things which you may find important but are permissible and therefore not a problem. However, the trap is far and wide, and few can claim to be free from it. How do you counter the influence of the Zionists and the minions of the antichrist when you, almost willingly, if not totally willingly, fall into their trap. The system of Islam is clear, and it is a way of life which Muslims must enter into completely. The more you engage in those matters which are foreign to Islam and which aim is to corrupt you, the weaker you become in fighting the enemy of Allah.

To those who wish to change Valentine’s Day to Palestine Day, have lost the plot. You cannot change a wrong by redressing it in the hope that it becomes something good. The truth must be untainted by wrong and sinful speech and actions. Such attempts to redress falsehood as truth must be rejected outright. As for the red heifer, according to the Jews, it is a sign of the coming of the Antichrist. Thus, it is important to clearly be in the right camp when the antichrist does appear. Will he appear soon? Allah knows best. What you and I should do, is make sure that we and our families are firmly rooted on the truth and that this will continue for generations to come. What an awesome legacy to leave.

The belief in Allah is incomplete without the disbelief in falsehood.

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