Friday 9 February 2024

Independence or Coloniser on the Stoep?

Is it a conspiracy to believe that the Democratic Alliance, DA, is more of a coloniser than its interest in being the official opposition nationally?

I am still not finishing the heifer story, but soon. Perhaps you have done some research. There is so much to talk about that the need to join the dots is becoming more urgent by the day. The masses are asleep even while the matter of P - @ - lest – ine remains high, if not on top of everyone’s minds and agenda. To this degree, people are defecting from the DA, both as members and voters. Of course, democracy is still important for the general populace. Maybe it is not the right time to tell everyone that all parties, including the ANC are controlled. Closer to home for those in the Western Cape, there is a party called the Cape Independence Party which calls for Capexit. While, at another time/era, I might have been supportive of such a move, that this party is captured by the DA and its masters is a matter of grave concern. Now that you all understand who runs the DA, you will understand the threat being posed to the Western Cape. The Muslim population of the Western Cape is sizeable, and the majority Christians will not accept taking us back to pre-1994 days. The time to consider what role you play in this region is now. The millennials and Generation Z have not experienced any struggle, except perhaps economically. While economics is a big struggle, living in a “free” South Africa, the emphasis was a little blunted. You will, in any case, be blaming the ANC government and, less so, the DA. However, with the DA ruling the Western Cape, and considering the political dynamics both locally and internationally, is it possible that with Capexit, that the Western Cape can become a Zionist enclave?

There is no truth in democracy since the idea does not incline towards truth. You need to wake up and do what is right. Ultimately, when you talk about the devil you know versus the devil you don’t know, then truth and righteousness has passed you by while you are comparing devils. It, the truth, needs to be reclaimed for your own salvation. Bottom line is that now you have to consider whether this matter is a conspiracy theory or a real threat. What you gonna do about it?


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