Thursday, 30 January 2025

Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5


The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally accepted in Christendom until that time. Even then there were, and still are today, unitarians. Why is this important?          

Actually, this post has little to do with Christianity. Rather, it is to do with Muslims and them not making those mistakes, but rather understand the methodology of how knowledge is transmitted and what the main sources are of knowledge in Islam. That said, like the issue of Trinity being a fundamental belief of Christians, Muslims believe that to be a flawed belief. What is the Muslim belief? To believe that there is no deity worthy of worship and that Muhammad is His messenger. Understanding the “no deity” is important because this must include, in proper understanding, the rejection of all false deities, in whatever shape or form. Then it is to accept the Messenger, Muhammad , and follow him, for without that, your testimony of faith has shortcomings, and you cannot be a believer. This is the view of Ahlus Sunnah wal jama’ah. As for the pillars of eemaan (faith), then it includes the acceptance of all Messengers, sent by Allah, and divinely revealed books. Any deviation to this is a deviation from true eemaan and thus from Islam. Those who reject and curse the companions of Prophet Muhammad have rejected ayaat from Quran and thus they have not fulfilled the requirements of basic beliefs and nullifies the testimony of faith. There are clergy (I think it is a better word to use in this instance) who proclaim that those who utter the shahadah (testimony of faith) are Muslim, without proper understanding and analysis. Muslims judge by what is apparent and not what is hidden. Utterances of kufr (disbelief) are apparent and cannot be excused without being rectified or drawing a verdict of kufr. There are acts of kufr which does not cause you to be out of the fold of Islam. Then there are acts and utterances which directly impacts your aqeedah (beliefs) which put you out of the fold of Islam. Some things are best explained with caution in the public domain.

In short, the Shi’a issue is, unfortunately, not well understood in the community. They are not of us, and we are not of them for their beliefs are not in line with Ahlus-sunnah. Even if you claim to be Sunni, and you do not honour the companions of Prophet Muhammad , then you have serious issues with your aqeedah. On other matters, you see people praying to the dead, as intermediaries, while at a point there was, in a community, people praying “unknowingly” to a donkey. Still, how can some still consider praiseworthy – Allah help us. This is how we are moving away from proper aqeedah because more emphasis is placed on the word of “clergy” than proper sources of knowledge. There are many more such cases of misguidance.

Understanding the issue of aqeedah is to also look at the Jews and Christians and see the mistakes they made. Sticking to the basics is easier and better. Avoid taghut and the mere words of people/clergy. Strengthen your eemaan with true understanding of aqeedah and the acceptance thereof. Seek out those who are firm on aqeedah and learn from them.


We pray for His guidance and protection.


See previous: part 4:

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Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...