They walked wide-eyed into the trap. They were blinded even with perfect vision. They were weakened even though they ate and drank well. They were poor even though they lived in beautiful houses and drove fancy cars. Their hearing was good, loving the vibey noisy atmosphere.
The stories of Quran are more
than just stories. Every story in Quran has application and, right now, in our
state, we can analyse and apply it to us.
One story that comes to mind is that of Talut, when marching to fight Jalut, instructed
the army not to drink from the water from the river, yet many of them drank. They
were not allowed to continue with the army. Alhamdulillah, the reduced, smaller
army was still granted victory. Today, Muslims are lured into various traps, some
openly siding with the enemy, others drinking from the water and becoming
ineffective in establishing justice and peace. First off is that Muslims need
to understand their shahadah (testimony of faith) which is based on Tauheed. The
“army” of Muslims will be small, and you will need to understand the reasons
for it. Then ask yourself whether you are part of this army or have you already
disqualified yourself. Words are easy to utter, it is in the execution that you
are part of the those who call to good and forbid the evil. When you are
instructed not to drink from the river, will you drink?
Politics and economics affect us
all. Yet, which politics and which economics today are Islamic? You may be
concerned about Trump’s election as president, but it is of little consequence to
us. Rather, it is the system and who he represents that are greater concern. People
talk about state capture but that has been the order of the day from long
before. This means that the majority of people in the world are governed and
ruled over by a much stronger cabal (Zionism?) than the people you think is
your government. So, what is the way forward. You have three options open to
you: One is to drink from the river (which most are doing anyway). Secondly,
you can abstain from drinking from the river. Thirdly, you can remove yourself
from the worldly affairs and claim your worship is all that matters.
You have been blessed by being
given that extra moment to make the right decision. Use it and choose wisely.
There is no place for cowboys, nor cowards.
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