Thursday, 30 January 2025

Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5


The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally accepted in Christendom until that time. Even then there were, and still are today, unitarians. Why is this important?          

Actually, this post has little to do with Christianity. Rather, it is to do with Muslims and them not making those mistakes, but rather understand the methodology of how knowledge is transmitted and what the main sources are of knowledge in Islam. That said, like the issue of Trinity being a fundamental belief of Christians, Muslims believe that to be a flawed belief. What is the Muslim belief? To believe that there is no deity worthy of worship and that Muhammad is His messenger. Understanding the “no deity” is important because this must include, in proper understanding, the rejection of all false deities, in whatever shape or form. Then it is to accept the Messenger, Muhammad , and follow him, for without that, your testimony of faith has shortcomings, and you cannot be a believer. This is the view of Ahlus Sunnah wal jama’ah. As for the pillars of eemaan (faith), then it includes the acceptance of all Messengers, sent by Allah, and divinely revealed books. Any deviation to this is a deviation from true eemaan and thus from Islam. Those who reject and curse the companions of Prophet Muhammad have rejected ayaat from Quran and thus they have not fulfilled the requirements of basic beliefs and nullifies the testimony of faith. There are clergy (I think it is a better word to use in this instance) who proclaim that those who utter the shahadah (testimony of faith) are Muslim, without proper understanding and analysis. Muslims judge by what is apparent and not what is hidden. Utterances of kufr (disbelief) are apparent and cannot be excused without being rectified or drawing a verdict of kufr. There are acts of kufr which does not cause you to be out of the fold of Islam. Then there are acts and utterances which directly impacts your aqeedah (beliefs) which put you out of the fold of Islam. Some things are best explained with caution in the public domain.

In short, the Shi’a issue is, unfortunately, not well understood in the community. They are not of us, and we are not of them for their beliefs are not in line with Ahlus-sunnah. Even if you claim to be Sunni, and you do not honour the companions of Prophet Muhammad , then you have serious issues with your aqeedah. On other matters, you see people praying to the dead, as intermediaries, while at a point there was, in a community, people praying “unknowingly” to a donkey. Still, how can some still consider praiseworthy – Allah help us. This is how we are moving away from proper aqeedah because more emphasis is placed on the word of “clergy” than proper sources of knowledge. There are many more such cases of misguidance.

Understanding the issue of aqeedah is to also look at the Jews and Christians and see the mistakes they made. Sticking to the basics is easier and better. Avoid taghut and the mere words of people/clergy. Strengthen your eemaan with true understanding of aqeedah and the acceptance thereof. Seek out those who are firm on aqeedah and learn from them.


We pray for His guidance and protection.


See previous: part 4:

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Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Blind Following of Misguidance - Part 4


It takes time to ponder, yet time, at least in our lives, are limited and rushed. This is evident in the modern era where the words of man have superceded the word of Allah for few take time to reflect upon Quran, the word of Allah. It is easier for most to listen to the speech of man, devoid of substance, being Quran and Sunnah, as if the last chapter of Quran has meaning in this instance.

Aqeedah/Belief is key to eemaan/faith for incorrect beliefs can nullify eemaan. Eemaan is believing in Allah and rejecting falsehood/false deities - taghut. The focus in the first period of prophethood of Prophet Muhammad was on strengthening belief. This note is a challenge to you to study the beliefs of Muslims through authentic sources. How did the early Muslims believe. Sometimes so much focus is given to the views and opinions of people that lived long after, that the true meanings are missed. What are the authentic sources that Ahlus-sunnah wa-l-jama’ah follow. If you know this and stick to this, then know that any opinion outside of that, is mere speech and has little, if any value, unless it is in total conformity. Conformity must have yardsticks and benchmarks. Yet today we are overwhelmed by beautiful words and speeches devoid of any proofs from authentic sources and people gobble these up. You have Quranists who reject hadith because they don’t understand Quran yet claiming to follow Quran. On the other hand, to support their deviancy, there are people who use weak and, at times, fabricated hadith to support their misguided viewpoints. The masses are gullible largely because they are ignorant while they may accept things in good faith.  This is the dilemma for most. The one point that cannot be missed is that people largely follow modern-day personalities, those with good voices, orators, charisma. Attaching yourself to these personalities can result in idol worship or cult worship. Simply put, when the words of these men are favoured above the words of Allah and His Prophet, Muhammad , then your beliefs become questionable. And with that, your eemaan. The test can be simple in terms of who is right and who is wrong: Is what you are doing in conformance with Quran and Sunnah -strictly, or is it subject to interpretation? Is what another is doing, perhaps he is doing less than you, but can he be faulted in terms of Quran and Sunnah? If, in your opinion, he is blameworthy because he is not conforming to your standard, or he is missing out, then what proofs do you have from authentic sources?

The yardstick for following someone cannot be that he has acquired (some) knowledge, but rather, it must be, firstly, that he is strict upon Quran and Sunnah and fears deviating from it such that when a truth comes to him and is a correction on a previous action or understanding, he inclines to the correction. Secondly, see how much a speaker quotes from Quran and hadith versus how much they quote from secondary and other sources.

In conclusion for this topic, for the time being: As part of your beliefs, aqeedah, to affirm your eemaan is to have a solid understanding of taghut for rejecting taghut is necessary for your eemaan.


See previous :  part 3:

 See next :  part 5:

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Sunday, 26 January 2025

Blind Followers of Misguidance

The blooming seed can become a most beneficial plant, it may be beautiful or indeed may be something much less. That determination is the decree of Allah. Guidance too is the decree of Allah for He is the One who guides.

The best of creation was Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the best of generations were the early generations. Today, there are people (in our lifetime) who are venerated more than the illustrious companions of Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the early generations. They are eloquent and give a sense that they are knowledgeable. Through this, gullible people follow them. Sadly, it is ignorance but Allah will surely guide those who are sincere. And Allah knows best who are sincere. Certainly, if you denounce truth with any amount of pride or arrogance, then are you sincere? If you are not open to be rectified, are you sincere? Thus, it starts off with understanding faith (eemaan) and then your beliefs. Importance must be given to that which nullifies faith (eemaan) because of incorrect beliefs that can nullify your eemaan. A believer and a non-believer are not equal. What makes you a disbeliever? There are clear signs and evidences that some of these acclaimed people have either committed an act/s of kufr (disbelief) or have disbelieved already. The latter is for those in authority to pass judgement. In instances, these have been done, but the followers of the misguided individuals pay no heed and therefore place themselves in harms way.

I write this note, because people ask on the matter (from what scholars have already mentioned). Some carry on in their original path and others, stop, acquiesce and take the safer option to protect their faith. To steer away from misguidance is the right thing even though much of what the speaker says is good. A believer and non-believer is not the equal.

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Blind following of Misguidance - Part 3


I was once asked how is it that intelligent people reject Islam/truth. The simple answer is about guidance. Allah guides whom He wills. Certainly, the sincere will be guided, for Allah is not unjust and He is all-aware, All-knowing.

Pride is something where you consider yourself better than another. This is a recipe for failure and humiliation. Over the centuries, Islam has experienced its own share of egomaniacs. Being on the right path is a mercy from Allah.  One of the ways to spot these people, is when they make statements relating to religion, they do so without proofs or by using contrived proofs. A group (eventually split in 2) were declared outside the fold of Islam because of falsities, contradicting Quran and Hadith, regarding Prophet Eesa (Yeshu) pbuh. There are more commonly known and Qadianis and Ahmadis. Now, there is a new claim by a certain individual who claims that Prophet Eesa (pbuh) died on the cross. This is total blasphemy. However, this individual wants to spin it such that he died for a second or millisecond, that he asserts this position while the Quran clearly says that Prophet Eesa pbuh was neither crucified nor killed. This is a major deviation to believe differently for now you are challenging the Quran.

Another error is that Orthodox Christians are believers. This is easily repudiated and there are plenty of examples in Quran. Thus, this statement is contrary to the Quran. So, by now you know the answer to this. In short, none are believers if they do not accept Muhammad as a Prophet of Allah.

As for the Shi’a and having prayers with them, then you have aqeedah (belief) issues. This is related to eemaan (faith). Any person claiming to be a person of knowledge, have opened to the doors to deviation and misguidance. Only those with pride will remain stubborn upon this misguidance. The Shia issue is lengthy, and I don’t intend to cover that in more detail here, but I am happy to take that offline. Simple reason is that there is enough good information available and credible scholars to which this subject can be referred.

There are other deviants and some of those practices need to be highlighted (in further posts). The main issue is that of aqeedah. Unless you learn and understand aqeedah from authentic sources (with clear unadulterated proofs), then you will open yourself up to following misguidance. Added to this is that you must be principled. Religion is not something with which you play and be whimsical about. Your sincerity is important. Ego and pride are damaging traits and will lead to failure and humiliation. Humility and submission to His will and guidance is key to success and eventually paradise.

Those who ask, cannot claim ignorance. Those who hide lest they be exposed to the truth, have pride. Humility is from the means of acceptance of truth and gaining affection of the believers.


See part 2:



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Friday, 24 January 2025

Blind following of Misguidance – Part 2

Blind following of Misguidance – Part 2

 The scholarly and schoolboy approach can never be the same. The one has knowledge while the other is deluded, excited with the drop of knowledge.  For the latter, this becomes the reality. These types of people, even sometimes when they do carry some knowledge, gain followers like the Ahmadis and Qadianis. It is not impossible that these people build a following on lies and misguidance.


No matter whether the field is medicine, education or eschatology,etc, it can never trump aqeedah (belief). Belief is the most important aspect to have proper eemaan (faith). I say “proper”, but effectively if eemaan is defective, it may in fact, at times, be classified as disbelief. So, if you don’t apply yourself to understanding or accepting any or much of other fields of study, but only in as much as is needed for your aqeedah, then that will suffice. As for delving into these matters and creating the impression that that is aqeedah, then that is misguidance. Examples of how they place preference on their opinions on eschatology is that they believe that Gog and Magog have escaped and are amongst people already. Reading through the ahadith pertaining to this, the literal understanding is simple. This literal understanding is the view of every credible scholar that Gog and Magog will only appear after the time of Ad-dajjal (antichrist). Now this, the minute detail, is not a point of aqeedah but knowledge that it is real must be accepted because it is authentically reported in the hadith of Prophet Muhammad . Moreso, to create an opinion other than that of the entire scholarship and ummah is pushing the limits, to put it mildly. Of the arguments that these misguided people use to justify the release and presence, as it were, of Gog and Magog in our midst, is that the whole world has been discovered. So how can Gog and Magog still be hidden. This is an aqeedah issue because it is questioning whether Allah has the ability to hide any part  the world from prying eyes. This can be shown when these people have not looked at some archaeological findings in the recent years. These finding effectively show places undiscovered for thousands of years. Then also, in the recent past, the disappearance of flight MH371. Sure, there will be theories on the latter, but what about the archaeological findings. Indeed, a case of these people trying to force justification of their viewpoint when eschatology in Islam cannot clash with Aqeedah, except that you will be in error. The ghaib, the unseen, is the domain of Allah. He did not give us more detail than what has been authentically reported. Thus, any interpretation is subject to mere opinion which can be strutinised and rejected. On the matter of Gog and Magog, then the overwhelming view is that Gog and Magog must still appear.


After centuries of scholarship, one man decides that these people were and are all wrong. This brings us to the point of understanding how knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation, but we will leave that for some later date.  You head into dangerous territory when you then also just reinterpreting Quran on this basis. Know that no subject is important enough to endanger your eemaan.


hadith posted below


See part 1:

 see part 3: The Cape Muslim Dialogue: Blind following of Misguidance - Part 3

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It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah () said:

"Gog and Magog people dig every day until, when they can almost see the rays of the sun, the one in charge of them says: "Go back and we will dig it tomorrow." Then Allah puts it back, stronger than it was before. (This will continue) until, when their time has come, and Allah wants to send them against the people, they will dig until they can almost see the rays of the sun, then the one who is in charge of them will say: "Go back, and we will dig it tomorrow if Allah wills.' So they will say: "If Allah wills." Then they will come back to it and it will be as they left it. So they will dig and will come out to the people, and they will drink all the water. The people will fortify themselves against them in their fortresses. They will shoot their arrows towards the sky and they will come back with blood on them, and they will say: "We have defeated the people of earth and dominated the people of heaven." Then Allah will send a worm in the napes of their necks and will kill them thereby.'" The Messenger of Allah () said: "By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, the beasts of the earth will grow fat on their flesh."

Sunan Ibn Majah – graded Sahih


Monday, 13 January 2025



The ego trip, a brief journey that can feel like an eternity, leads nowhere but to one's own self-importance. If you find yourself offended when corrected, it is a clear sign of ego at play.

Genuine discussions, where learning thrives, are rare. Rather than seeking truth, many strive to be right and have others validate their views. The question often arises: why are some brilliant minds not adherents of Islam? The answer lies in their pride, ego, and closed hearts that resist accepting the truth.

A major hurdle within the ummah (Muslim community) is the matter of aqeedah, or belief system. Aqeedah encompasses the correct beliefs held by Muslims and was a central focus of Prophet Muhammad's teachings. Many claim to follow the Quran and Sunnah yet introduce unauthorised elements, while others draw guidance from questionable sources.

Prophet Muhammad's approach was straightforward and uncomplicated. Those who reject him or his hadith cannot be considered Muslims, and those who malign his character risk the consequences. Some individuals defend their positions out of ego, despite knowing the truth. The noble conduct of our pious predecessors involved humility in admitting when they lacked knowledge saying “I don’t know” often, contrasting with those who assert knowledge, without merit, as if divine revelation.

The issue of ego extends beyond religious leaders to all individuals. It may involve questioning the credibility of knowledge in relation to the Quran and Sunnah. Maintaining a teachable spirit, even if wisdom comes from an unexpected source, is crucial. However, reliance on consistently erroneous guides driven by ego is unwise. Continuous learning and study are paramount. While respecting teachers, idolising them should be avoided as they are fallible. Quran and Sunnah serve as the primary sources of knowledge, and any information contradicting them is deemed unacceptable.

Reflecting upon Iblees' refusal to bow to Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, prompts further contemplation on the influence of ego and the importance of humility in seeking knowledge.


Early hours Part 3 :





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Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...