Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Early Hours


The stillness of the morning is only broken by the shuffling of the feet of a few people as they head to the Grand Mosque, Masjid-al-Haram. It is in the wee hours of the morning, more than three hours before sunrise. These are the people worshipping Allah in the middle of the night, hoping for His Mercy and forgiveness, while the majority of the people are asleep.

There are lessons and signs in everything. Some you my understand and some seem too simple to even contain any sign. But in the example and a very real daily occurrence, few are up at those early hours of the morning, praying. Does it not appear to be the case with those being unawares, as if asleep, to what is transpiring in the world? People walk around in a daze. Few are awake and tuned in to the realities. Admittedly, life can get confusing, except for those who at least understand the basics. You are not required to know everything, but you need to have a foundation. Of the questions that will give you some clue that you understand a little, is whether you know what will be your means to enter paradise. It is something on which to always reflect. Thousands of people throng to the Haram (Grand mosque) for Fajr and it is packed, resulting in overflow outside the Haram. After prayers is a good time to reflect as the crowds disperse except for the handful that remain. Sitting there, reflecting and engaging further in the remembrance of Allah. There is certainly much reward in doing this, especially, that after sunrise, you offer two units of prayer. The religion, nay the Deen, of Islam is easy, filled with much beauty and abundance of reward. Ah, yes, in focusing on the few, it is indeed only a few are truly grateful to Allah. It is not that those who leave early are not grateful to Allah, but it the numbers are mere reminders.

In doing good, your intention is always “for the sake of Allah”. Then what about your sins or those meaningless acts that are overwhelming part of your day and life. It is in the transformation of your life that you should gain understanding and steadfastness. What will determine your entry into paradise? If you were in a class(room) and you always want to get the attention of the teacher, what do you do? At home, if you want the attention of your parents or spouse, what do you do? Then what about seeking the love of Allah?

Now, many people are going for umrah where, in-sha-Allah, they will benefit from being in the precinct of the Haramain. For the rest, people are distracted by events and festivities away from the remembrance of Allah.  Few are grateful.


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