Tuesday 17 September 2024

They don't know what we know


Auwal Masjid in Dorp Street, Cape Town

“They don’t know what we know”. This is true of non-Muslims knowing very little, if anything, about Islam. An example is of someone once telling me that they cannot be Muslim because our prayers are so methodical and are repeated all the time in the same way.  Muslims are partly to blame for the ignorance of non-Muslims.

If you look to the example above, then Muslims must educate themselves too to convey the message. The first port of call is, of course to be the best Muslim you can be which requires, as a start, some knowledge. Were you to look at the global situation, you will find many mindboggling statements and events. How do you unravel this? Were you to look locally, then people are bamboozled and getting swept away by the current of corruption while thinking they are fighting corruption. You can go through every facet of life and find that all does not appear to be what it is in reality. How does this all relate to the example above? That should be almost self-explanatory to the Muslim. But just a quick point that there is hardly a person who is not tainted by the evil that pervades society, nay the evil that pervades the planet. Too few are willing or able to speak about it because they have mentally been washed away and believing that the current sweeping them away, means good. The answer to every question is to refer to Allah and His messenger, Muhammad and nothing has been left out. This blog has always been to get you to think, to ponder, to discuss and look for those ways to get closer to Allah. Of course, along that way is a faith that can never be independent of action. To the Christian who queried our form of worship, then that person left out the purpose, the purpose of life. Just like anybody would find it strange that a father, Prophet Abraham – peace be upon him, was ready to sacrifice his son, he did it because he believed and worshipped Allah who commanded him to do so (although Allah rewarded him for his intention and the sacrifice was a replacement ram). The first point is to believe in God, Allah, and to worship Him as it pleases Him. What your views are on the matter is of no consequence.

The views you have on worship must conform to Allah’s command and that of His prophet, Muhammad . Anything else is but an opinion which carries weight, if any at all, only for a short while in this world but will be meaningless and worthless on the Day of Reckoning if it did not conform with Quran and Sunnah. Islam is a complete way of life and covers all aspects from rituals to health and wellbeing to inter-personal relationships to penal law, etc. Your knowledge and education must conform to Allah’s law and guidance. Islam is a complete way of life – It covers your purpose on earth.

What about Palestine and your role? What about “laa adwa” and pandemics? What about healthy eating and fitness? What about avoiding interest (usury)? The list goes on. Then consider how much of a way of life Islam is for you and consider the reasons you are lacking. Then consider the state of the ummah.

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Thursday 12 September 2024

Who do you emulate?


Everyone has a choice even though, at some point, it may appear not to be the case. The proof that everyone has a choice is your belief, or not, in a God and the belief in paradise and hell in the afterlife. If everyone believed the same, then chances are it is because there was no choice in the matter, or rather the ability to choose.

That you have a say in a matter directly related to God, Allah, and you choose a path other than the faith and belief in Allah, is such a big decision. It shows your ability to challenge even your Creator. How then do you not, too, challenge your government and other authorities when they implement mind-boggling laws and regulations and engage in acts of mass deception with other governments? How is it that your governments support the oppression and genocide of a people? But more importantly, it is the Muslim who needs to be challenged, the Muslim who accepts the worship of One God, Allah, accepts the Prophethood of Muhammad and the last divine revelation from Allah, viz Quran. After that, when Quran tells us that man will be placed on earth as His, Allah’s, representative, meaning that he (man) is to encourage with good and prohibit the sin, then how are Muslims are not at the forefront of implementing justice and peace? Rather, they are dependent on the United Nations and its organs. As for health, they implement WHO directives which does not have the best interest of people at heart. As for government loans, they look to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank which has interest, usury, as its cornerstone. As for education, more and more of the primary education is eroded of its good values while sexualisation and sexual education is being forced on young innocent minds. A genocide is happening in Palestine while our support of the oppressed leaves much to be desired. In the hijri month of Rabi-ul-Awal, people justify celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad in a way that he did not teach us, nor did his companions engage in these practices in the manner his birth is celebrated today. While you go to great lengths to motivate this, the actual teaching and religious obligations are not that vociferously supported and implemented, but rather excuses are sought as a defence for your disobedience.

“Verily by time man(kind) is lost”. When will you and I rectify ourselves and contribute positively to the ummah and mankind at large. Who do you emulate when you say, “we hear, and we disobey”? Imagine living back at the time of Prophet Muhammad , would you and I have been his companions? Would we have been of the fortunate ones back then? We have been blessed with eemaan (faith in Allah and the clear and open rejection of the worship anything or anyone else). May we die upon that and may our last actions be our best actions.

Don’t stop talking about khilafat.


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Wednesday 4 September 2024

Your place in History


At some point, you will be history. Perhaps you will be remembered personally for the good you did, but it may be for the bad you did (we pray for guidance and protection). However, it may also be for your collective input into current events that will impact generations to come.

Civil unrest is never a good thing, and public protests can lead to civil unrest. It for this reason that some believe in biting the bullet rather than openly opposing the government. On the other hand, you are apathetic when it comes to injustice, oppression and misinformation. In between you have those who work tirelessly to expose the tyranny and evil in whichever form it presents itself. In Islam, we are commanded to verify information when received from a faasiq (dissolute person, person who commits serious sins repeatedly). Analysing this alone, in today’s times, will have a serious impact on much of what we do, especially as Muslims. While South Africans are obsessed with state capture under Jacob Zuma, they have shown themselves to be easily hoodwinked. State capture started long ago, and not by the ANC necessarily. The ongoing state capture is happening before your own eyes but sometimes you get the feeling that is it “deaf, dumb and blind, they will/do not see” or “deaf, dumb and blind, they will/do not understand”.  As things stand now, the world will be a completely different place in the next five years, and you will be accepting of all of this. Unless you look back to, at least, the recent past, and see how you either misunderstood what was glaring “abuse of power” and being fed a full course of misinformation from authorities (at various levels including religious leaders), and you feel remorse and repent, you will leave this world a far more terrifying place for your offspring. And if you knew, but conformed, then your cowardice speaks volumes for in it is the lack of true love for your family, friends and humanity at large. Surrounded by satanic forces from all angles, there is hardly a safe place except for those who believe and do good. Belief and doing good are intertwined and inseparable for the believer. Genocide is the word and what is experienced by our Palestinian brothers. Masjid-ul-Aqsa is under threat of being destroyed. How much are you prepared to do and what are you prepared to do?  Have you considered the satanism in much of what you see as necessary and legitimate? Why does Allah warn you to not follow the footsteps of Satan right after He, Allah, commands you to eat of the nourishment of the earth. So why all the artificial foods and lab grown “meat”. Who is behind this? And who is behind these so-called pandemics, And what is the role of the pharmaceutical companies and who are some of the major shareholders?

The weakest form of eemaan (faith in Allah) is to pray in your heart when you see a wrong.  What if you are complicit in the evil while you had every opportunity to walk away? If more people die because you have done nothing (not even a prayer) to stop an injustice, are you complicit?

And to Allah is your return!

PS! Is Allah not the one who heals? Why then the symbol that ….

Aesculapius was the god of medicine and was the son of Apollo, the god of healing. The Staff of Aesculapius is a rough-hewn branch representing plants and growth entwined by a single snake. Aesculapius was known as the god of medicine.


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They are our mothers

  The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly wi...