It is common in ageing to
experience physical weakness and perhaps an ailment or two. Weakness of memory
is fairly common. Islam has been around for many a century, but it is not Islam
that is showing the signs of ageing, especially weakness, but Muslims in
general. Islam is the religion and way of life ordained by Allah, the All-Powerful,
the All-wise.
The world is facing many a crisis
and Muslims are entirely caught up in it. Yet, except for pockets of
excellence, pockets of resistance against tyranny and a small group clinging
steadfastly to Quran and Sunnah, Muslims are not the dynamic ummah they ought
to be. The fi li steeni issue shows some form of unity of Muslims, but without
any leadership. Delving a little deeper, then the singularity of purpose, “this
brotherhood of yours is one brotherhood” is tested. Muslims must be bonded
under the banner of the kalima “laa ilaaha illallah Muhammad-ur-rasoolullah”
but Muslims continue to look for credibility, support and legitimacy from
outside. Every issue of injustice is a Muslim issue for which the ummah needs to
rise and rectify. Muslims, though, continue to shout slogans and invoke the
assistance of other than Allah. The discussion, debates and arguments, on the
issue of the Filisteeni, in Muslim circles reflect the level of the ummah.
Years of indoctrination has paid off as Muslims can, at best, shout slogans. No
longer do the enemy fear the Muslims because Allah is not placed uppermost in
the approach. The history of ‘Aad, Thamud and Pharoah is either forgotten or
there is total ignorance on the matter. While Muslims celebrate and commemorate
so many things, if they were to commemorate anything, then certainly the Battle
of Badr should be on top of the list. Was it not this battle before which Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ pleaded with Allah for victory?
“O Allaah, grant me what You have
promised me, O Allaah, give me what You have promised me. O Allaah, if this
small band of Muslims perishes, You will not be worshipped on earth.” [Sahih
Muslims have the solution and
rightly claim to have it. Yet, what they have is in books while the
understanding and execution of important solution are lacking. Concentrating on
matters of numbers and size of gatherings without quality and wisdom is
childish and lacks maturity. That people incline to such leadership is testament
to their weakness. Had they stuck to the guidance of Allah, the All-Powerful,
the All-Wise, then their faith will increase tremendously and be a part of the
solution. The solution can entail physical involvement or supplication and
pray, both fully immersed in the complete faith they have in Allah.
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