Monday 2 October 2023

Be Part of the Solution


In declaring the testimony of faith, the Muslims automatically, through Islamic tradition send salutations on our illustrious leader, Muhammad . Acknowledging that he is your leader means that you are a follower. While his character is beyond question, your claim of being a follower is well worth introspection.

Islam is the perfect way of life and therein lies all the solutions to the many needs of the world today. Few will argue that they can do more when it comes to their religiosity. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “Religiosity”: the quality or state of being religious: religious feeling or devotion. A studious person is one who attends to his studies or to learning. A religious person is one who attends to his religiosity. That Islam is a complete way of life means that Muslims, through this way of life, are consequently religious. If this is the case, then Muslims perfect their lives living the religion that was perfected by Allah. This by no means that you live forsaking all the bounties of this world but rather you partake of that which is permissible and within reason. However, it is the lure of this world that makes people falter. Your high material standing in this world gets more “likes” (and much envy too) that the one who takes his share of this wolrd while he is always concerned that he is within the boundaries of the laws of Allah. The world is in need of solutions. You have access to it. Will you not present it to the world and make this a better place? A starting point is the realisation that you have the solution and then to learn how to impart it. Part of this is to move step by step beyond lip service and implement the very basics in your life, thereby building a firm foundation. You and I can certainly discuss this further.

If you have the solution, what is the need for you to imitate others who do not share your values and morals.


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