Thursday 25 January 2024

Why it's Trump


Only the blissfully ignorant will ignore what I am about to say. Sure, I have a lot to say, but I will keep this one brief.

2024 is election year, both in South Africa and in the United States of America. People malign Donald Trump for being a racist and Joe Biden as the Zionist. What is the difference? That is rhetorical, in case you did not know. So, as to the Filistinian issue, do not hold your breath. But that is just it. In a world of deception, you cannot see everything as black and white. What is important is to join the dots. The dots between the many world events and happenings, especially over the last few years. Sure, you can look at some things and call it greed. It is better understood if you think a little deeper. What is greed and why? If you do not comprehend, then it is not a problem. It only becomes a problem if you don’t ask questions, if you don’t learn while, of course, you may disagree at points. As to the South African elections, then the view, earlier in 2023, was that the ANC may not garner 50% of the vote. Now that problem seems to have disappeared with the ANC touted to remain in power. What has changed?

Around the time of the BRICS summit in South Africa in 2023, a certain Victoria Nuland, career diplomat and US Acting Deputy Secretary of State and Under Secretary for Political Affairs, visited South Africa. Please read up about her. Just a quick point, that her Jewish husband, Robert Kagan, wrote to George W Bush immediately after 911 and called on America to attack Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein even if there was no evidence linking Iraq to the 911 attack. These are the people of influence that you may be overlooking. So was her role to disrupt BRICS or to ensure South Africa remains key to both sides? And why is South Africa key? Then not long after, talk of ANC not getting 50% +1 of the vote disappeared over the horizon. Back to the comparison of the US politics to South African politics, then ultimately the President and ruling party are controlled. Democracy is a waste of your breath in discussing the merits of voting for the ANC or whichever party. A short note will not do justice to the topic but suffice it to say that the future looks gloomy because, as a start, everything is not as it seems. The real state capture is happening now, and Jacob Zuma was an easy target to be framed. He may not be innocent, but South Africa is experiencing worse now.

Join the dots and continue to debate intelligently or just continue to walk blindly.

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Monday 8 January 2024

What is in a court judgement


It is matter of belief and trust in Allah. Everything else that may be tools in Allah's plan, you continue to place you trust in Allah and not in the potential tool itself for Allah's plan is a matter of the unseen.

Keep believing such that your entire life epitomises it. You live completely for the sake of Allah and that alone will make you a victor. "We hear and we obey". You yearn to learn the deen (the religion) of Allah only to draw closer to Allah and to increase you in faith. You strive against your shortcomings and sins and are neither complacent in this nor do you feel pride or justification in your shortcomings.

Allah guide and protect us all.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Importance of 2024


The silly person is the one who is blessed but chooses something else, something imperfect over his blessing. Is not the blessing from your Creator, your Lord, your Provider, Allah the best?

In my last blog, it was mentioned that if there was any day to truly celebrate then it would be the battle of Badr, the battle in which the Muslims defeated the pagans of Mecca. The battle before which Prophet Muhammad made a plea to Allah for victory so that Islam is not lost if the Muslims are killed at that battle. Yet here we are in troubled times while we incline to a system other than that ordained by Allah and celebrating events and dates which are foreign to the teachings of Islam. Before there is any misunderstanding, we are in a non-Muslim country, and we are naturally therefore part of the system. However, it is one thing to partake in the system as is necessary but you must be circumspect to that which is not essential, but merely enjoyment and indeed, at times, frivolous. As we enter the Gregorian calendar year of 2024, there is not much to celebrate. Yet Muslims partook in celebrations and took the date and new year to be significant. If so, significant in which way? While Allah has prescribed the Hijri, lunar, calendar, how is it that you pray for a good new year while that new year has its origin in paganism. How is it that the lunar calendar is perfect, and it can only be so because Allah ordained it. The calendar is important in any system. Thus, from a Muslim point of view, the perfect Hijri lunar calendar must trump the imperfect system and calendar of western civilisation. A cursory glance at the Gregorian calendar then the length of the months has no clear reasoning with a month being twenty-eight days while others are either thirty or thirty-one. More confusing is it that months September to December have a numeric prefix from seven for September, eight for October, nine for November and ten for December. However, these are months nine to twelve which means that this calendar is somehow flawed. Were you to analyse the system further, you are sure to pick up many strange things. If there was to be a simple matter of choice between the Islamic system and any other system, then it must be easy to choose the Islamic over anything else. Islam has a calendar which trumps any other calendar and system. Even if there is an issue or something from another system, while Islam is silent on the matter, then it does not automatically mean that you can adopt that matter.

To put things in perspective, if you look around you and take only the Filisteeni issue, then how conflicted are you in your approach and support for these oppressed people. Your system is the Islamic system with its own calendar, its own days of celebration, its own method of celebration. Yet while you claim to support the oppressed and pray for them, you discard the blessings of Allah by choosing to partake in something foreign to Islam. Most don’t know the Hijri date (even approximately) or how close Ramadan is. Furthermore, Islam teaches that the day starts at “sunset” and not midnight. Such is it that the difference between truth and falsehood cannot be trivialised. To be aware is to choose Hijri lunar over Gregorian while we accept that in many cases, we do record the Gregorian date and refer to it. Ease of use under the circumstance is not a key to open the door to discarding the blessings of Allah.


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Tuesday 2 January 2024

Can you see the victory soon

It is common in ageing to experience physical weakness and perhaps an ailment or two. Weakness of memory is fairly common. Islam has been around for many a century, but it is not Islam that is showing the signs of ageing, especially weakness, but Muslims in general. Islam is the religion and way of life ordained by Allah, the All-Powerful, the All-wise.

The world is facing many a crisis and Muslims are entirely caught up in it. Yet, except for pockets of excellence, pockets of resistance against tyranny and a small group clinging steadfastly to Quran and Sunnah, Muslims are not the dynamic ummah they ought to be. The fi li steeni issue shows some form of unity of Muslims, but without any leadership. Delving a little deeper, then the singularity of purpose, “this brotherhood of yours is one brotherhood” is tested. Muslims must be bonded under the banner of the kalima “laa ilaaha illallah Muhammad-ur-rasoolullah” but Muslims continue to look for credibility, support and legitimacy from outside. Every issue of injustice is a Muslim issue for which the ummah needs to rise and rectify. Muslims, though, continue to shout slogans and invoke the assistance of other than Allah. The discussion, debates and arguments, on the issue of the Filisteeni, in Muslim circles reflect the level of the ummah. Years of indoctrination has paid off as Muslims can, at best, shout slogans. No longer do the enemy fear the Muslims because Allah is not placed uppermost in the approach. The history of ‘Aad, Thamud and Pharoah is either forgotten or there is total ignorance on the matter. While Muslims celebrate and commemorate so many things, if they were to commemorate anything, then certainly the Battle of Badr should be on top of the list. Was it not this battle before which Prophet Muhammad pleaded with Allah for victory?

“O Allaah, grant me what You have promised me, O Allaah, give me what You have promised me. O Allaah, if this small band of Muslims perishes, You will not be worshipped on earth.” [Sahih Muslim]

Muslims have the solution and rightly claim to have it. Yet, what they have is in books while the understanding and execution of important solution are lacking. Concentrating on matters of numbers and size of gatherings without quality and wisdom is childish and lacks maturity. That people incline to such leadership is testament to their weakness. Had they stuck to the guidance of Allah, the All-Powerful, the All-Wise, then their faith will increase tremendously and be a part of the solution. The solution can entail physical involvement or supplication and pray, both fully immersed in the complete faith they have in Allah.



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