Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Chain Reaction


The reason I blog is not to be an influencer or to chase views and likes. While that may be helpful to spread a message, the example is that of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) called to the pilgrimage to Mecca and thousands of years later, millions of people are still doing it each year. He called to it without social media, any mass or mainstream media. Likewise, the message of Prophet Muhammad has billions of adherents to Islam. All this by the will of Allah.

Lately, I have been in discussion, more and more, on the issue of the education system, the role of media and the non-stop propaganda, all leading people upstream. How do you protect your children. First off is that you must learn and understand the truth and then be willing to defend it and spread it. History is written by the “victors” and so colonialism was dominant to the degree that today those colonialists still hold the power and the reins. You were born into their system. When they realised that the slavery with chains on the ankles and wrists were not going to cut it, they did a wondrous thing. They put the chains on the brains. So, you are a product of colonialism think that you are free while you have been duped because, in truth, the chains are now on the brains. The mind is a wonderful thing and if more were to use it correctly, then life will be a different place, a better place. The education system was presented as a means to freedom while it has been used as a means to further slavery. Had we been wise, we would have used the schooling system to our advantage and not, as you are doing now, allowing the chains to be tightened on the brains of your children. The banking and economic system too are presented as a means out of poverty and for your protection on so many fronts. Then comes the medical system with its infinite number of drugs and prescriptions. With all these things in place, you are paying for your own enslavement. Indeed, you are a glorified slave. You did say that at least you have religious freedom.

All this needs further unpacking, with examples. Perhaps the interest shown, will necessitate more notes and blogging. At this moment, I am thinking aloud. Many of you who dared to read this note, will still dismiss it, because it is too much thinking. For some, it will go to the extent whereby they prove the system, by calling me a conspiracy theorist. Yet, here I am, merely asking you to think with your God-given brain and then to share thoughts.

I will be failing in my duty if I don’t remind you of a piece of history. At the time of Prophet Muhammad , before the hijra, two tribes of Madinah (then Yathrib), Aws and the Khazraj were enemies of each other. But there was a third group present in Madinah who both fanned the flames of hatred between those two tribes and was effectively the supplier of arms. You know your history. It is just to join the dots. Then start to understand who controls basically every facet of life today. Allah has given them rope in their trespass and soon they will be brought to account.  

Fast forward for a moment – and we will need to start working back – from this point. What have you prepared for tomorrow, i.e. the Day of Account? And did you know that it is important to seek refuge against dajjal? He may not be here in your lifetime, but his minions are already hard at work. So then also prepare the generations to come to always seek refuge in Allah.

May it be easy.



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Picture courtesy: https://www.nyu.edu







Friday, 8 November 2024

Things to consider


They walked wide-eyed into the trap. They were blinded even with perfect vision. They were weakened even though they ate and drank well. They were poor even though they lived in beautiful houses and drove fancy cars. Their hearing was good, loving the vibey noisy atmosphere.

The stories of Quran are more than just stories. Every story in Quran has application and, right now, in our state, we can analyse and apply  it to us. One story that comes to mind is that of Talut, when marching to fight Jalut, instructed the army not to drink from the water from the river, yet many of them drank. They were not allowed to continue with the army. Alhamdulillah, the reduced, smaller army was still granted victory. Today, Muslims are lured into various traps, some openly siding with the enemy, others drinking from the water and becoming ineffective in establishing justice and peace. First off is that Muslims need to understand their shahadah (testimony of faith) which is based on Tauheed. The “army” of Muslims will be small, and you will need to understand the reasons for it. Then ask yourself whether you are part of this army or have you already disqualified yourself. Words are easy to utter, it is in the execution that you are part of the those who call to good and forbid the evil. When you are instructed not to drink from the river, will you drink?

Politics and economics affect us all. Yet, which politics and which economics today are Islamic? You may be concerned about Trump’s election as president, but it is of little consequence to us. Rather, it is the system and who he represents that are greater concern. People talk about state capture but that has been the order of the day from long before. This means that the majority of people in the world are governed and ruled over by a much stronger cabal (Zionism?) than the people you think is your government. So, what is the way forward. You have three options open to you: One is to drink from the river (which most are doing anyway). Secondly, you can abstain from drinking from the river. Thirdly, you can remove yourself from the worldly affairs and claim your worship is all that matters.

You have been blessed by being given that extra moment to make the right decision. Use it and choose wisely. There is no place for cowboys, nor cowards.  



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Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...