Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Moment of Truth


The most significant moment in your life is that moment that you take your last breath. It is that moment that you write the conclusion to your life as either one who died upon truth or one who was in error: either a coward or a disbeliever.

It does not matter how many people read my blog or like my posts. My role, like your role is to be on truth. What is important is that you love truth and that you are not selective on it. That does not mean that you do not make mistakes. Rather it is about your foundation. If it is strong and upon truth, then you will always fall back onto truth and not be misguided. Yet, here we are, witnessing a genocide and staring a possible great war, even world war in the face. No one is wishing for it, except the zionist zealots. It is good that people continuing to raise awareness on the Palestine issue. It is frightening, though, that people are not joining the dots and understanding that the same people who perpetrate the evil in Palestine, are the same people who put you, nay the world, including the haramain (two holiest mosques in Islam) under lockdown and then coerced everyone, bar the few, to take their poison. The last hundred years and a bit are most significant in our current history. Of course, you can trace the plotting, planning and implementation of an evil scheme even further back, but the most relative to us is the last century. Perhaps, symbolically, the fall of the caliphate is a yardstick. The system was implemented to make you a glorified slave, chasing the world, thinking that you are successful. Satan got our father Aadam – peace be upon him – to eat from the forbidden tree while Aadam was taught by Allah Himself. How cunning is satan and his minions not in fooling you too into thinking that the system is for your benefit. What is the purpose of your creation? What is your duty to earn the title of “believer” by Allah. Here you are, at the behest of a satanic force, while the command of Allah is neglected. It will be claimed that more people can read and write than ever before, yet that “literacy” is not based on true knowledge. Sadly, you have not become literate to read, study, ponder the words of Allah. Remember the first ayaat (roughly translated a “verses”) – see chapter 96 of Quran.

Before this post becomes too long, let me hit the pause button. Certainly, there is much more to discuss. It is time that you apply yourself to understand more of the genocide and how related global events and plotting are, while then starting to join the dots. Don’t get carried away with the US elections, since it is a deception. May your last action be your best action and may you die upon complete truth.


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Friday, 18 October 2024

Where are you running to?


The path to walk is the path to paradise. Alas, man is lost, and in his every word and action he is fleeing from Allah. There are enough scholars to explain this to you, therein lies the first challenge.  The challenge is the preparedness and the ability to fulfil the purpose for which we were created.

Two points which you must research, ponder on and then act on accordingly, relates to your purpose in life. The first refers to the very creation of man. In whichever appropriate translation or interpretation you take, is that we were created as representatives of Allah on earth. I will leave the word as “representative”, but the meaning is far bigger than that. Suffice to say that the second is to command with good and to prohibit evil and sin. Today, we are at the behest of people who do not even know God. How are we fulfilling our role. There is a genocide happening and we plead with them to stop. Of course, there will be consequences at some point because they will be brought to account by Allah. But what is our role in this since we cannot be fulfilling the commands of Allah or the purpose for which we created. It is true that at the overarching level, the purpose is to worship Allah. That worship cannot be confined to mere rituals while Islam is a complete way of life.

Too few are joining the dots. Too few people know anything about the signs of the hour. And what is meant by the hour. While it is about the end of the world and the day of judgement, what really should concern you is that Muslims are not fulfilling their duties to ensure justice and peace. The result of this is that the control is resting with people who are hellbent on destruction. The short version of destruction is to destroy all good and increase in evil and deception. Is this all making the “hour” ever closer to the time in which we live?

You are hoodwinked by politics as if it is real.  Who will win the election etc. And which party this and which party that.  They make you believe this is all real. The genocide is real, alright. What else?


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Wednesday, 2 October 2024

They are our mothers


The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly will be your response to such a vile act? What if it is your own brother swearing your mother? This seems unimaginable but it is real. There are real family issues and cause families to split or to disown their own.

Hezbollah lost their leader on the weekend. Since then, the world witnessed a show of fireworks as Iran fired two hundred missiles on occupied Palestine, some calling it Israel. There is every indication that the groundwork is being laid for a world war, yet the latest Iranian action needs scrutiny. That scrutiny I leave to you because it is easy to dismiss a statement without taking the time to analyse the facts, and, in the absence of clear facts, to look at plausibility. Let us go back to history defining moment in Islam. The year is 680AD. Hussain bin Ali is the grandson of Prophet Muhammad . He opposed the caliphate of Yazeed bin Muawiyah. While in Makkah, he was invited to Kufah whose people wanted to pledge allegiance to him. He travelled there with his family and camped about 70km away, at Karbala. There he was martyred with many of his family while the people of Kufah, after inviting him, offered not even one person is support. Thus, the people of Kufah betrayed Hussain. These same people wish to venerate him after his death while his death can be attributed to their betrayal. Shi’ism started off as political but because they declare(d) the majority of the companions of Prophet Muhammad as apostates, the differences with Sunni Islam are noticeable. There are many books on the subject and many ulama capable on the subject. The primary difference, more than their claim that Ali bin Talib should have been the first caliph rather than Abu Bakr, is their reviling of the noble companions and the wives of Prophet Muhammad . The wives of Prophet Muhammad are considered the “mothers of the believers” (per Quran 33:6). Thus, there is a group who swear our mothers and making takfeer (pronouncing a Muslim out of the fold of Islam). This group betrayed Hussain bin Ali but claims to love the Ahlul Bayt.

While some may think that notes like this cause division, then rather consider this as a reminder, both to protect our eemaan (faith) and to firmly show our love for Prophet Muhammad , his household – including his wives, and all his companions – Allah be pleased with them. The last thing to consider is the complicity of the Iranians in the death of Ismail Haniya, followed by their unimpactful missile “attack” on Israel.

The call to the Muslims is to stick to their faith, following Quran and Sunnah. Allah has raised the rank of the companions and wives of Prophet Muhammad . Those who revile them are not of us and we are not of them. We place our trust in Allah who will grant victory to the believers.


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Blind following of Misguidance – Part 5

  The doctrine of the Trinity was first established 325CE. I will leave you to fill in the blanks, but it certainly was not the universally ...