Wagging tongues definitely make for
days of our lives. And how? The social and personal lives of others make for
much juicier topics than the many real issues in the world, even crime. This is
how social norms are often formed by the opinions expressed in circles of
gossip. Can people who are divorced remarry their previous spouses or can a
divorced person marry a person who was not married before?
These are the details discussed and
analysis are made of the parties to such marriages. Divorce happens. Sometimes
the parties are too hasty and do not give reconciliation a chance or it is just
a decision that works for them at the time. Circumstances can change afterwards
and there is a mutual understanding and agreement to remarry the ex-spouse.
What is there to talk about except others may learn from it. Nevertheless, a
prayer is welcome. Many-a time these marriages are better than their first stab
at marriage. Of course, there are a few that go exactly like the first time
they were married to each other. And that is life. There is no problem getting
back with your ex-spouse, so negative chatter about it is uncalled for and
problematic. People make mistakes in marriage for a number of reasons and marriages
fail. These people have not given up on the sanctity of marriage and later
remarry someone who may not have been married before. Why is the divorcee’s
status important beyond the few that really matter. It may matter to the inner
circle if there are children from the previous marriage. Other than that, the
normal background check on the prospective spouse is in order. Outsiders should
only contribute if they have pertinent information for either party to the
marriage. Otherwise, there is no need for talk to be about the previous status
of either party. Why must you be like that?
Now let them getting married and
pray for them.
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Picture courtesy: https://www.vhv.rs