Monday 5 June 2023

Should you boycott?


You know when you chat to someone on the phone and the conversation goes something like this:

Person 1: “Where are you?”

Person 2: "I am here, where are you?”

person 1: "I am also here, but I don’t see you”

Person 2: "strange, we are both ‘here’ but not at the same place”

This in reality becomes a mockery and confusion sets in. Now when someone, who is not happy with themselves, tell you to accept them as they are while they themselves don’t accept who they are or if they had some medical intervention, then who they were. Are you confused yet? You have to accept something in place of what they are not accepting. So, what if you accept something that you think they should accept? The world is turned on its head and the perception of reality has been skewed for too many. Marriage has always been between a man and a woman, until fairly recently but by Allah, it is always between a man and a woman. However, only females gave birth to every person currently living and that birth had to have male intervention. Thus, the reproduction of humans happens because of males and females and not males and males, neither females and females. Morals and ethics have been redefined but the nature with which we were created cannot be redefined. The accursed one, satan, is an avowed open enemy to mankind. He has confused some humans to oppose even the very nature with which they were born.

Trade is the financial dealing of goods and services. People are not obliged to patronise a store or a brand and may voluntarily decide how and where to spend their hard-earned money. How can it make sense to spend your money at places which defies even nature and engages in immorality. The sexualisation of innocent children and the messages of confusion from the promoters of LGBT as a means of protecting a minority is unjustified and illogical. Is paedophilia practised by a minority and do they need protection and promotion? Where will this end? It will not end until and unless you follow their way of life. Muslims have rights too and their right is to spend their money at businesses other than the promoters of vice. In fact, Muslims have a duty and moral responsibility to spend their money elsewhere. Muslims have a responsibility to protect their children and to teach them right from wrong.

O Muslim, if you are silent on this matter, then know you will be questioned for your silence on this very matter. O Muslim, supporting the perpetrators and promoters of these immoral people through your economic support will give them a bigger voice and soon it will consume your children. Spread the message and let us be firm on the teachings of Quran and Sunnah.  Know that Allah is the ally of the believers.


Also click and read

How many wives? (


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