Monday 12 April 2021

Calling on the Ulama


Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I have a question/s for the ulama ..

Dear Sheikh, Mowlana, Mufti and Imam,

You have taken advice from experts and implemented protocols inside the masjid. The protocols are deemed emergency protocols and does not conform to the sunnah, but as you say, that the situation requires it. Furthermore, the deaths by "covid" are buried in plastic bags even after the Undertakers took advice that it was not necessary. You, in agreement with government, limit attendees at funerals. Generally, you do not shake hands and even from among you, you elbow shake and there's no hugging. There is no visiting the sick even though Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said in an authentic hadith that it is the right of Muslim over another Muslim that he, when he is sick, is visited by his brother. The limited numbers for jumu’ah also prevent many from attending where, an estimated 60% of males are unable to attend. - This is all to save lives as per the experts' advice.

Please, can your experts advise how long this will continue?

Can your experts advise whether this will impact on the understanding of the sunnah practice, meaning, when all is said and done and we "return to normal", will the practice of shoulder to shoulder in salah be adhered to and many other practices. The question is what impact does these protocols have on the psyche of the human such that they don't revert to sunnah? Can your experts advise on that?

Can your experts advise on the impact of families not visiting each other and by extension drift apart and as such family ties are severed? The further impact is the difference of opinion on the protocols between family members with those who live in fear, banning their family, friends and neighbours from coming even close to their front gate.

Can your experts advise on those Muslims who were denied entry into the masjid, what impact it had on their eemaan?

Can your experts advise, whether jumu’ah will be considered an occasional visit much like many Christians occasionally attending church, while at a time that was their only connection with the masjid? What is the psychological impact of these protocols?

And another month of Ramadan when the majority (last year it was just about everyone) will be denied listening to Khatam of Quran during taraweeh. How does the denial of getting this blessing impact the psyche of a Muslim? When I first wrote this, the hope was still that there will be a full khatm but it seems to be discouraged. How are we holding onto this rope of Allah when the masajid  are not vibrating with the recitation of the full Quran?

The question is whether these protocols will become the norm? If not the norm, will remnants of these protocols remain? If not physically, will these protocols have an impact psychology? If it does have an impact psychologically, will it have an impact spiritually?

What about our children? These are their most impressionable years, yet they have been removed from the community, from the masajid and so much more? How long before they lose their eemaan (and we pray Allah protects them and us).

The argument presented is that there are zoom classes and lectures. Is Islam only for those who are economically able to do this? Is Islam only for those who can technologically able to do this?

Are we living through a period where the deen is changed, essentially because these lockdowns and protocols appear to have no end? At what point do you tell government enough is enough?


This list is by no means exhaustive, but these questions need to be addressed publicly to a community in need of having a forum with the ‘Ulama.



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