Thursday 8 August 2024

Rewind and Repeat


History is nothing but stories until you become part of it and live it. Sure, there are stories, then there are stories. People incline to stories of gossip, the majority anyway, while few incline to stories of the Prophets, of the Banee Israel and the history that followed those periods.
There is not a story in Quran but that it has meaning for us today. And so too are there many historical events that followed that should be lesson to us. But history is boring except when it repeats itself and you are caught in the middle of it all. The latest round of Islamophobia in England is not totally unexpected. And as you can guess there is a clear Zionist link. Are we not warned about people who are intent to spread mischief throughout the earth? It is worth noting two points about people, and in this case the Islamophobes. One is that many, the vast majority, are ignorant about Islam. The second is that people lack principles and are easily bought, be it one or both of power and money. It is therefore important to firstly reflect on yourself and ensure that your principles are intact. These principles include not being involved in betrayal and, secondly, not being reckless and acting outside the bounds of Islam. Indiscriminate retaliatory action is being undisciplined. 
Did you know that Islam, Christianity and Judaism forbid usury (interest). Yet today interest is the cornerstone of the system in which we live. Quran commands us to eat healthy, linking doing otherwise as following the footsteps of satan. Here we are with junk food being the staple diet of the vast majority. Certainly, even though you are transgressing the laws of Islam, it will not be enough (for the enemies of Islam) except that you leave the religion of Islam. As mentioned before, what you do today will determine your religion tomorrow and so too that of your offspring. The killing of Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh was a betrayal in one way or another. That means there is infiltration by the enemy at the highest level. Therefore, the acquiring of solid Islamic knowledge, a watertight belief system and strong eemaan (faith in Allah) – which requires the active disbelief in speech and action of anything or anyone other than Allah. The demise of the caliphate was largely due to infiltration by the enemy.  Then see what happened, not to long ago, in Bosnia. See what is happening in Tajikistan with the hijab ban. The subject of hijab is a topic on its own because it is one of the key instructions of Quran abandoned or misunderstood in its proper application. Should all Muslim women who adorn the hijab be referred to us nuns to avoid the Islamophobic reaction to the dress-code?
History has a way of repeating itself. Learn it, understand it and reflect upon it. 

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They are our mothers

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