Monday 14 August 2023

Real honour of our women

The Muslim population of Cape Town is sizeable. On every known platform, they themselves proclaim to be of the best communities in the Muslim world. I styled it as Muslim world because Muslims believe that this nation, the Ummah, is but one ummah. Yet, giving “da’wah” or presenting the religion of Islam to others, is complicated when there are contradictions, not in the teachings of Islam, but the message Muslims deliver through their speech and action.

No doubt, Islam honours women and no Muslim will dispute that. There is a chapter named “The women” and one called “Maryam” (Mary) and many other places in Quran where women are edified, and their rights confirmed. There are hadith indicating to the importance of women and mothers. Islam is the perfect religion, is it not? Does not the message of Allah and His messenger, Muhammad – peace be upon him – supercede all else? If then, Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – delivered the message, is there a need to add more when the word of Allah and His messenger, Muhammad – peace be upon him – suffice? Today, we have Muslims lauding and celebrating “Woman’s month” and a short while ago “Mother’s day”.  Do we have a need to borrow from outside of Islam when Islam is complete and perfect? Must Muslims jump on the bandwagon when Muslims have the Book brought by the Messenger who is the mercy unto all creation? Ah the contradiction. Have you not thereby adopted as word other than that of Allah? Whatever your justification for doing this, it can, at best, be considered an add-on. You may even suggest it has nothing to do with religion or it does not contradict religion. Yeah, the semantics. Did Allah and His messenger – peace be upon him – pronounce on the matter of women? Does “Woman’s Month” honour women as per the guidance of Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – or is the script different? What about “Mother’s day” – one special day? And we can expand this conversation on the topic of women to so much more. Yet here you are “honouring” women because it is woman’s month but for the rest of the year you are silent, muted and concerned about other matters. Every day, there is a case for honouring women, our mothers, our wives, our sisters. A significant event happened in August, hence the reason for South Africa’s woman’s month. And the world has one in March espousing equality. What is this equality?

What is the agenda to this all? Why won’t you teach the world about the great Muslim women in history? Why won’t you teach the world about the role of women and about modesty. Why won’t you teach people about Islam having given women their rights while so-called civilised nations saw women as lesser beings. Why won’t you expose the agenda, in the name of equality and freedom, while it amounts to nothing but abuse and exploitation. Why don’t you teach them that paradise lies at the feet of the mother while they threaten the concept of motherhood and parenting. Is it not time that you submit to Islam in totality and leave them to their “religion”?

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Tuesday 1 August 2023

The language of the people


Apartheid had a place because there was a need to oppose a system of discrimination and oppression. If we look back further to when our ancestors came here as slaves and political prisoners, there was the mentality of opposition. Having been brought here by the Dutch, Afrikaans became a language as our forefathers defied the colonialist oppressive Dutch.

As time passed and we reached the mid twentieth century, there was this inclination to adopt the English language, the language of the other coloniser. This happened for a few reasons, one of which is that the ruling class adopted Afrikaans as their language. Secondly, English was seen as the universal language and the queen's language. Forgotten was the fact that Afrikaans was the language of defiance. In fact, those who now are known as Afrikaners understood that having your own language was an important cultural element. Few speak Afrikaans today, especially the younger generation. With that we gave up part of our identity of which part was that of resistance to oppression and injustice. While you can cite many other reasons for our decline and virtual disintegration as a cultural group, language certainly had its role to play. Today, we have integrated into a society to the extent that many of our principles have fallen by the wayside as we adopted concepts foreign even to our beliefs.

Shall I call upon my people to return to their roots and rather be slaves physically chained, than chained to ideologies and cultures that mean us only harm.


Ons sal mos lankal opgestaan it tien die goewerment met alles wat aangaan soes crime en die hoƫ cost of living. Ja, ons mieks somma oek die tale want os is vannie kaap.



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They are our mothers

  The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly wi...