Thursday 30 March 2023

Samoosa - what you need to know


After the moon eventually was visible, Cape Town Muslims were already fasting. The other matters facing Muslims in Ramadan were paused until the moon saga was digested. Then the perennial debate whether Taraweeh is eight raka’at or twenty. Then there is the split on the samosa issue, whether it is totally unhealthy to even eat, while others opt for the air fryer and most just stick to the traditional, old school, oil. And the next question is about section 18A tax certificates for zakah.

Never a dull moment in Cape Town. All of the above has some reasoning, some good, some not so good but a blanket judgement call on any of the above issues is not necessary. Zakah is a compulsory obligation for the many Muslims that do fall in that bracket. Of course, you cannot cheat on what is due to Allah and therefore, in thinking good of others, you give the benefit of doubt to them in that they overall are not short-changing themselves in fulfilling their obligations. Where it may be blatantly clear that someone has “miscalculated” their zakah, then you may quietly advise them of their misunderstanding on the matter.

Health is an important component of your life. Very few can confidently say that they eat completely healthy but it is fair to caution those who over-indulge, be it in eating, or what they eat of unhealthy food. Eating natural is the first part of healthy eating, while halal has health and spiritual benefits. The samosa does not qualify as healthy but I am just saying.

Then the debate of 8 and 20. Khatam (full reading) or not. This debate I will leave to the ulama since some of them have firm views on the matter. Ultimately, Ramadan is the month of the Quran and that must be the focus of our discussions too. Many cannot read Quran while the first revealed word is “Iqra” (Read). So, in a way, this message is to reach out to them and encourage them to learn reading Quran and to remind them that it is never too late. You will so love the sweetness of its recitation from your own lips.

As day seven of this glorious month draws to a close, you know what you have accomplished so far and you know you can do that little more. Above all, how I would not love a dua from you. May Allah accept your intentions and good deeds.


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Thursday 23 March 2023

The Setting Moon


Of the signs of Allah is that He created the moon and the sun as a means to measure time. The importance of these two spheres in your lives cannot be underestimated. Muslims will do well to understand the role of the sun and the moon in their lives and that it is of the favours of Allah unto them.

Those who pray their five daily prayers on time and those who fast regularly will be dependent on the sun and the moon to perform their worship. Then there is the pilgrimage which too is dependent on the sighting of the moon. While man is fallible and prone to error, the course of these two circular bodies are set and controlled by Allah. Whether the moon was visible or not, the moon was not seen as per the official announcement. What is sad is the memes that has since been circulating. If the decree of Allah was that the moon will not be sighted locally, then you accept and leave the matter at that. The only alternative is for you then to accept the sighting from neighbouring countries. But that line was already drawn before the sighting. Did the memes then intend to question those who made the ruling that the moon was not sighted? You have accepted these people, the “maankykers”, for this purpose. Do you now question them or the fiqh? If you do not trust them, then what is the alternative and are you prepared for the alternative? If the memes did not question the “maankykers”, then be reminded that the sun and the moon are of the signs of Allah and are of the favours of Allah unto you.

The moon issue is not going away in a hurry as you have seen for over the last forty years locally. How much importance should you attach to man-made boundaries? What defines the difference in region, is it language and culture? Does this apply to the general Muslim or is it the language (mother tongue) of the ulama. Does the difference in ruler play a role even though both rulers are non-Muslim or is it because two countries are Muslim minorities?

The matter must be discussed with the aim of learning and understanding. It must be discussed with the aim of developing as a community with ideal forums and structures. What impact has this issue had on you and in what are you keen to improve or see improvement?


You may also be interested in: The Cape Muslim Dialogue: The Freezer is Full (


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Tuesday 14 March 2023

The Freezer is Full

You must throw stones. You must pelt the devil. While it is a ritual of the pilgrimage, often you must do it figuratively in your daily action. The freezers are full. Ramadan expos are in full supply. I often wondered whether they actually teach the subject of fasting at these expos. But there is money to be made by the exhibiters and there is plenty to buy at these events. And the freezers are full.

Food is in full supply and the masajid (plural of masjid meaning mosque) are far less in capacity for those extra prayers wherein the recitation of Quran are rendered. Am I throwing stones? One thing is for sure and that is that it is such an important time to reflect. It is not difficult at all to see our shortcomings and little you are inclined to the religion beyond the bare necessity. Praise be to Allah that people are able to earn their sustenance and it is not a reflection on them that your food needs are great. The rule must be cast over the various aspects of your life, then you will know the report card already. Assuming you do not cut out the feasting in Ramadan, but you, in fact, increase your acts of worship so that your worship by far overshadows your full freezer, then the spiritual scale will register a heavy weight. Of course, health wise, it may be better that you eat less, but the emphasis must be firstly on your increase in acts of worship.

I am no learned person, but you and I have heard it enough that the desired outcome of fasting is to learn self-restraint, to increase in Allah-consciousness. So, as I see you reflect and pelting the demon in you, so that you can work a little harder to benefit from this month of fasting, I take lesson from it for myself. The freezer is full as if your heart is in the freezer too, frozen and unable to fill itself with the blessings of Ramadan. Admittedly, Muslims are more giving in Ramadan. And I don’t want to be throwing stones, but I think you also realise that you have to throw that figurative stone to relieve you of that demon inside. That demon that is preventing you from get maximum benefit from this glorious month. And your non-Muslim acquaintances, neighbours and colleagues are already all aware of how full your freezer is. Now, you just need to properly explain what Ramadan is, what you do during the month and that you don’t really have a chance to eat too much at night because you attend the tarawih (night prayer) every night.

Focusing on the freezer being full is reason enough to cast that stone. It might well be a stone or two from a weight perspective too. Importantly, a stone to dispel myths, a stone to slay the dragon, a stone to create proper focus, a stone to relieve the weight on your shoulders. You are content even if the freezer was not full.


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Friday 10 March 2023

Suicide at the Cape


The ticking clock will one day cease to add that one last tick. And so too will your heartbeat come to an end. But by time, man is lost. Running around, mostly in delusion and confusion. What will make you realise that these are ingredients for disaster? It can possibly be a disaster for you alone or it may have bigger, more intense, consequences.

Suicide is a notable concern in our community, albeit not as pronounced as in society at large. Allow me to digress, for a moment, to glance at the Muslim community from Cape Town. You will get so many varied responses to the question of what people, Muslim people, see when they look at Muslims and Islam in Cape Town. In these answers, you find the level of faith, level of intellect and level of education, both Islamic and otherwise, displayed. In short, it is the determining factor for where we find ourselves collectively and it is our scorecard. Suicide is a double-edged sword. It is a sensitive topic and best not to delve in too deeply on a mere blog. Those unaffected will not really get to understand while those affected have the opportunity to channel those emotions and experiences into positivity. Positivity to help themselves by improving their own lives. Positivity to encourage others to explore and adopt solutions that will benefit them overall.

When addressing the issue, be reminded that the Muslim community should not be judged, by themselves or others, as an exemplary society. The answers to a cursory glance of Muslim at the Cape will confirm that. To be blunt, there is much good at the Cape, but you will struggle with real solutions if you think it as exemplary. You must be prepared to change much of your thoughts, ideas and academic knowledge. You grew up here, and evolved every bit here, as part of this community and as such raised by this community. A community that also imported and inculcated everything, or nearly everything, that it was given. A community that had the opportunity to be exemplary, was really following. Today the topic is suicide, and everyone looks at the physical death of a person. The solution is beyond that view. Now, to start the journey to the real solution, ask too about those who live amongst us but are spiritually dead. Look at those who live mechanically only, but the heart does not beat with “Laa ilaaha illallah” – There is no God to worship but Allah. Then look at a solution from that point of view – the view of Laa ilaaha illallah. Unlearn the concepts from the academia, from society, from the “norm” and adopt solutions based on the kalimah (testimony of faith).

The system under which you live is a constraint and itself a noose around your neck. The system of Allah is the system that is all-encompassing.

And another person is buried and you don't know the unwritten inscription the tombstone.

They are our mothers

  The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly wi...