Wednesday 26 May 2021

Is appearance of Dajjal near?

We live in extraordinary times. Some might even suspect that Dajjal (the antichrist) has appeared or we are living in a time extremely close to his appearance. The discussion on Dajjal must surely be had, the sooner the better.

We have lived through 15 months of a lockdown as a result of, what the World Health Organisation called, a pandemic. This too needs further discussion, but the events have progressed to the stage of “vaccinations” and this needs your immediate attention. We have to call a spade a spade. There are two types of drugs, viz legal drugs and illegal drugs (with tik, dagga, lsd and mandrax but a few). Then the legal drugs have its own levels from ‘over the counter’ (OTC) to a range of prescription drugs. It is common cause that there is a drug problem starting with people experimenting with drugs, including using legal drugs obtained illegally. Any self-respecting parent, older sibling, and teacher (and others) will warn youngsters off experimenting with drugs. Drugs are harmful in many ways. Yet, there is an experimental drug, virtually being forced on the population. What is this drug. It is illegal except under emergency Use authorisation (EUA). It is illegal because it has not gone through all the required processes of testing. It failed horribly when it was tested on animals. It is quite normal to be tested on animals. Specifically, in the Pfizer “vaccine” animal testing, all the animals died within two years. But you say “the covid vaccine was only produced in 2020”. We will assume that to be correct and therefore it is the quickest any vaccine has been produced and brought to “market”.

Now, the time and space does not allow me to go into the mechanics of the vaccine. I will post that in a day or two. What is important to know is that this “vaccine” is unlike what we know as traditional vaccines which adds to the issue of experimentation. There are many expected effects from to these “vaccines”, but the full extent is unknown and will take years to establish, assuming too that the subjects of these “vaccines” live that long. Even if this was a traditional vaccine, it will take at least four years before it will be able to be authorised as a vaccine. Now, just a hint on these vaccines: it uses mRNA and transgene technology (details to follow in another post). These vaccines are currently on trial until 2023 which means that those who take it are effectively lab rats. Furthermore, the ingredients have not been made known and the manufacturers can withhold this information until after the trial period (2023) ends. This means that you have no idea whether they are injecting you with a poison or anything  which is potentially more harmful than SARS COV2. This is what is meant by experimenting with drugs.

Now, you will claim that the experts and influential people have endorsed this. You will then have to ask on what basis did they endorse then ”vaccines” when the trial period is still on and no further detailed information is available about these “vaccines”. I have no financial interest in any side of this but am merely that person “who comes from the furthest side of the city and offers sincere advice and ask for no reward in return”. If you therefore still encourage your family and friends to take these “vaccines”, then know that you will not be able to blame your “leaders” on the Day of Reckoning because someone suffered adverse effects from the “vaccine”. You were given sincere advice.

To put the cherry on top, these pharmaceutical companies, have so much faith in their products that they accept NO liability for ANY adverse effect suffered as a result of vaccination. I will leave it to you to decide on their ethics. Remember, if you allow them this leeway, then allow the same leeway if someone knocks your car and drives away. It is about ethics, right?

The choice is yours.

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Critical Thinkers: Experimental Program (

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