Tuesday 3 September 2019

In Support of Women

This message is not about being perfect myself - but rather acknowledging that the one who created me is perfect - Allah, the Most High. Thus His laws are perfect.

I cannot squarely lay the blame for the abuse of women at the doorstep of government - indeed that'll be easy. As Muslims we have to take much responsibility - collectively. We have not made da'wah to the majority of South Africans. As we have been reminded countless times, that the early Muslims did not make da'wah by preaching, rather they did it by their actions and character. However, were we to do introspection then we do not find Islam in action except in little signs - whereas we claim Islam to be a way of life. Our Islam is sometimes judged by our foods - as in the type and quality - not even the fact that Muslims eat only halal.

The issue of late has been the abuse of women with rapes and murders on the increase. Muslims, by my understanding, ought to be the vanguards of society. The main issue currently is security and safety, especially of women. Now, you need to hear me out: The two issues are, firstly, that we have not influenced society in any way - not even an iota of the early Muslims but rather we have followed their, the non-Muslim way of life. Secondly, we have become apologetic about our deen while men are no longer the overseers of women. Women have become independent in virtually every walk of life and thus we have let our guard down and thrown our women to the monsters. Some will argue that " it is my right and I can dress and walk where I want ..." while the guidelines of the One who is Perfect are ignored. This is not a debate rather it is a cry for help - that you and I return to Quran and Sunnah and emulate our illustrious leaders. The next argument is that "this is the 21st century", etc ... while no one disputes that, do we not believe that our deen is for always and that the lessons from Quran is for always.

Our dresscode, our haircuts, our eating at doubtful places, our earnings ... our high divorce rate .. our high number of single/unmarried women ... mocking those who have beards .. mocking those women who are correctly covered ... the understanding of mahram and non-mahram .. the encouragement to do haram (like going to clubs - fornication) - I was shocked when someone - Muslim (in their early twenty's) said to me that they don't know of anyone (meaning Muslim) who is unmarried who hasn't had sex.

I therefore believe that we will be questioned as to the state that we live in having not called to the good and forbidden the evil ... we are in a state of heedlessness. We cannot put our trust in a government that promotes much that is haram. We cannot put our trust in Allah when we have shunned His Book.
We need to return to Allah and then place our trust in Him.

and Allah knows Best

We pray that Allah guides and protects us all

They are our mothers

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