Tuesday 16 April 2019

A skop and a klap - Turning the page

Life has changed since the days of a "skop en 'n klap" (a kick and a smack) - it just sounds better in Afrikaans. It may be fair to say we have gone 180 degrees - totally opposite.

In a society where "slamse skool" (madressa /madrassah) was the order of the day, children now go perhaps weekly, if at all. At the same time there are people who remain steadfast on the religion while many others have some connection with it, while yet others are hanging in by a thread (Allah protect us all). But what has happened over the years is the development of a culture of "tolerance". The understanding of this "tolerance" is to allow sin to come into our homes. We have adopted a culture inside our homes - our homes where we uphold the five pillars - but where we forsake our religion. We have taken on views foreign to Islam because, quite frankly, we are more exposed to non-Muslim thinking than Islam, the guidance with which our illustrious leader Muhammad peace be upon him, came.

It is always good to have people ask questions, but then there are people who only question the religion but not with an enquiring mind, but with an accusatory tongue. You are deemed an extremist if you refer matters to Quran and Sunnah, while others freely adopt views foreign to Islam. The tongues wag mockingly and scornfully at the action of another while the action is in conformity with Islam. Yet, we now only joke at some sins in a way that we accept these sins and encourage it.

Hardly anyone of us are excluded in our acceptance of this newfound culture. But a culture which is opposition to Islam is a disaster for us.

We pray Allah guides and protects us all.

I have omitted specifics in order to not have comments which will cause us harm. I am open to discussion through direct messaging

They are our mothers

  The vast majority of people, because of their morality, will not take kindly to someone swearing and cursing their mother. What exactly wi...